(a) No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any street, highway or other public place unless such vehicle is so constructed, loaded or covered as to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom, except that sand or other substances may be dropped for the purpose of securing traction, or water or other substances may be sprinkled on a roadway in cleaning or maintaining such roadway.
(b) Except for a farm vehicle used to transport agricultural produce or agricultural production materials or a rubbish vehicle in the process of acquiring its load, no vehicle loaded with garbage, swill, cans, bottles, waste paper, ashes, refuse, trash, rubbish, waste, wire, paper, cartons, boxes, glass, solid waste or any other material of an unsanitary nature that is susceptible to blowing or bouncing from a moving vehicle shall be driven or moved on any street, highway or other public place unless the load is covered with a sufficient cover to prevent the load or any part of the load from spilling onto the street, highway or other public place.
(ORC 4513.31)
(c) No person shall operate any vehicle so as to track or drop mud, stones, gravel or other similar material on any street, highway or other public place.
(d) It shall be the duty of the driver of a vehicle who unlawfully drops or deposits mud, stones, gravel or other similar material or permits the load or any portion thereof to be dropped or deposited upon any street, highway or other public place to immediately remove the same or cause it to be removed.
(a) In addition to any other lawful requirements of load distribution, no person shall operate any vehicle upon a street or highway unless such vehicle is so laden as to prevent its contents from shifting or otherwise unbalancing the vehicle to such an extent as to interfere with the safe operation of the same.
(b) No motor vehicle or trailer shall be driven unless the tailboard or tailgate, tarpaulins, chains (except ground or contact chains), ropes, stakes, poles, and the like, or any part of the load, are securely fastened to prevent dangling, flapping, swinging or falling from the side, end or top of the load or body. All projecting cargo shall be properly guarded by a red flag or cloth or a red light or lantern as required by Section 337.08.
(c) No person shall drive, or require or permit any motor vehicle or trailer to be driven, unless such motor vehicle or trailer is constructed or equipped with adequate header boards or similar devices of sufficient strength, load fastening devices and blocking, and unless the load or cargo thereon is properly distributed and securely fastened, braced and blocked, to prevent any portion of the load from penetrating or crushing the driver's compartment or cargo compartment wall, or from falling, spilling or rolling upon the roadway, when such vehicle or trailer is involved in an accident or when subject to the maximum braking deceleration of which it is capable.
No person shall drive over the improved streets of this Municipality a traction engine or tractor with tires or wheels equipped with ice picks, spuds, spikes, chains or other projections of any kind extending beyond the cleats, or no person shall tow or in any way pull another vehicle over the improved streets of this Municipality, which towed or pulled vehicle has tires or wheels equipped with ice picks, spuds, spikes, chains or other projections of any kind. "Traction engine" or "tractor," as used in this section, applies to all self-propelling engines equipped with metal-tired wheels operated or propelled by any form of engine, motor or mechanical power.
(ORC 5589.08)