Drivers of vehicles described in this chapter shall be required, upon request by a police officer, to give full and true information as to the route they are following and the name of the consignor and consignee and place of delivery or removal and the location of any consignment being hauled or goods being removed, and upon a designation by such police officer of a route to be followed, shall immediately adopt and pursue such route.
No person shall drive or operate, or cause to be driven or operated, any commercial car, trailer or semi trailer, used for the transportation of goods or property, the gross weight of which, with load, exceeds three tons, upon the streets, bridges and culverts within this Municipality unless such vehicle is equipped with suitable metal protectors or substantial flaps on the rearmost wheels of such vehicle or combination of vehicles to prevent, as far as practicable, the wheels from throwing dirt, water or other materials on the windshield of following vehicles. Such protectors or flaps shall have a ground clearance of not more than one-third of the distance from the center of the rearmost axle to the center of the flaps under any conditions of loading of the vehicle, and they shall be at least as wide as the tires they are protecting. If the vehicle is so designed and constructed that such requirements are accomplished by means of fenders, body construction or other means of enclosure, then no such protectors or flaps are required. Rear wheels not covered at the top by fenders, bodies or other parts of the vehicle shall be covered at the top by protective means extending at least to the center line of the rearmost axle.
(Ord. 2003-34. Passed 5-27-03.)
(Ord. 2003-34. Passed 5-27-03.)
Any person operating any vehicle transporting explosives upon a street or highway shall at all times comply with the following requirements:
(a) Such vehicle shall be marked or placarded on each side and on the rear with the word "EXPLOSIVES" in letters not less than eight inches high, or there shall be displayed on the rear of such vehicle a red flag not less than twenty-four inches square marked with the word "DANGER" in white letters six inches high, or shall be marked or placarded in accordance with Section 177.823 of the United States Department of Transportation Regulations.
(b) Such vehicle shall be equipped with not less than two fire extinguishers, filled and ready for immediate use, and placed at convenient points on such vehicle.
(ORC 4513.29)