(a) Lighting Plan. A lighting plan is required, unless specifically exempted herein. At a minimum, the lighting plan shall provide the following information:
(1) The location of each existing and proposed fixtures, including wall-mounted, security, flood, and parking lot lighting.
(2) The height of proposed lighting fixtures.
(3) The minimum and maximum intensity or illumination for the site.
(4) A photometric plan showing the proposed intensity levels of lighting that extends as far as any proposed lighting will reach or up to thirty (30) feet into the adjacent properties, whichever is greater. The photometric plan shall include all lighting, existing and proposed, that is over twenty-five (25) watts.
(5) Details of all proposed lighting fixtures, indicating the manufacturer, model, and style of fixture including a graphic representation of the fixture and the fixture light type.
(6) Add additional submittal requirement as may be determined by the Building Commissioner.
(b) Height.
(1) All lighting fixtures attached to an exterior of the structure shall not exceed the height of the structure.
(2) All freestanding lighting fixtures shall not exceed a maximum height of twenty-four (24) feet above grade.
(3) Non-cutoff decorative freestanding lighting fixtures shall not exceed twelve (12) feet.
(c) Lighting Styles and Types.
(1) All outdoor lighting shall be located, screened, or shielded so that adjacent lots and the public right-of-way are not directly illuminated.
(2) Parking lot lighting shall be required to utilize full cutoff fixtures that are pointed down and away from the property line.
(3) Wall-mounted lights shall be screened by the building's architectural features or contain a cutoff shield, to direct lighting onto the building and not into adjacent lots.
(4) All outdoor lighting fixtures shall not exceed a color temperature of 4000 Kelvin.
(5) Statutes, monuments, flags, fountains, or other similar objects, as determined by the Building Commissioner, may utilize upward lighting in the form of spotlights to illuminate the object of interest.
(6) The type of lighting fixtures should match the existing character of the surrounding community.
(d) Illumination Levels. Light originating on a site shall not exceed illumination levels beyond the property lines as established in the following table.
When a non-residential land use is adjacent to a… | The maximum illumination level at the property line is… |
Single-family or two-family dwelling | 0.5 Footcandles |
Multifamily development | 0.5 Footcandles |
Non-residential use | 1.0 Footcandles |
(e) Measurement. Light levels shall be measured in footcandles with direct reading, portable light meter. Readings shall be taken only after the cell has been exposed long enough to take a constant reading.
(Ord. 2022-34. Passed 1-9-23.)