As used in this chapter:
(a) "Abandon" shall mean for the owner, keeper or person in charge to leave any animal without demonstrated or apparent intent to recover or to resume custody; leave any animal for more than twelve hours without providing adequate food, potable drinking water and shelter for the duration of the absence; or turn out or release any animal for the purpose of causing it to be impounded.
(b) "Animal" means any nonhuman living vertebrate.
(c) "Domestic Animal" means any dog, cat, fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, or mammal. "Domestic Animal" does not include any livestock, poultry, wild animals, or exotic animals.
(d) "Exotic Animal" means each of the following animals:
(1) Class Mammalia.
A. Order Artiodactyla. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all antelopes, bison, camels, deer, giraffes, and hippopotamuses.
B. Order Carnivora.
1. Family Felidae. All species of pantera, and all felis except felis catus.
2. Family Canidae. Coyotes, foxes, jackals, wolves.
3. Family Ursidae. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all species of bear.
4. Family Mustelidare. Badgers, martins, minks, skunks, and weasels.
5. Family Procyonidae. Coatis and raccoons.
6. Family Hyaenidae. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all hyenas.
C. Order Edentatia. All species including by way of example and not by way of limitation, anteaters, armadillos, and sloths.
D. Order Marsupialia. Kangaroos, opossums, and wallabies.
E. Order Perissodactyla. Rhinoceroses and tapirs.
F. Order Primates. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all chimpanzees, gorillas, lemurs, and monkeys.
G. Order Proboscidae. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all elephants.
H. Order Rodentia. Beavers, porcupines, and squirrels.
(2) Class Reptilia.
A. Order Squamata.
1. Family Colubridae. African twig snakes, brown tree snakes, boomslangs, and mangrove snakes.
2. Family Elapidae. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all cobras, coral snakes, mambas, kraits, adders, sea snakes, and all other species of the Family Elapidae as listed in "Living Snakes of the World in Color" by John M. Mehrtens, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 1987.
3. Family Helodermatidae. Gila monsters and Mexican beaded lizards.
4. Family Viperidae and Family Crotalidae. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all vipers, adders, asps, moccasins, rattlesnakes, copperheads, and all other vipers and pit vipers and pit vipers as listed in "Living Snakes of the World in Color" by John M. Mehrtens, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 1987.
5. Family Boidae. Green anacondas and yellow anacondas; Jamaican boas; African rock pythons, amethystine pythons, Boelen's pythons, Burmese pythons, Indian pythons, olive pythons, and reticulated pythons.
6. Family Varanidae. Salvator monitor, salvadoran monitors.
B. Order Crocodilia. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all crocodiles, alligators, caimans, and gavials.
(3) Class Aves.
A. Order Cainwarae. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all eagles, hawks, and vultures.
B. Order Rheiformes. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all rheas.
C. Order Struthioniformes. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all ostriches.
D. Order Casuariiformes. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all cassowaries and emus.
E. Order Strigiformes. All species, including by way of example and not by way of limitation, all owls.
Phylum Arthropoda
(4) Class Arachnida.
A. Order Scorpiones.
1. Family Buthidae. Arabian fat-tailed scorpion- Androctonus crassicauda;
Arizona centruroides scorpion- Centruroides exilicauda
Death stalker- Leiurus quinquestriatus
Egyptian yellow scorpion- Androctonus amoreuxi
Israeli black scorpion- Hottentotta judaicus
S.A. giant fat-tailed scorpion- Parabuthus tranvaalicus
Sinai desert scorpion- Androctonus bicolor
Yellow desert scorpion- Androctonus australis
B. Order Araneae.
1. Family Therididae. Argentina red widow spider- Latrodectus coralinus
Brown widow spider- Latrodectus geometricus
Red-black widow- Latrodectus hasselti
Red widow spider- Latrodectus mactans
Western widow- Latrodectus hesperus
2. Family Loxoscelidae. Brown recluse spider- Loxosceles reclusa.
(5) Class Chilopoda.
A. Order Scolopendromorpha.
1. Family Scolopendridae. Amazon giant banded centipede- Scolopendra gigantea
Arizona Tiger Centipede- Scolopendra viridis
Florida Keys centipede- Scolopendra alternans
(6) Class Chiroperta. Bats
(7) Green Iguanas.
As used in this chapter, "exotic animal" also means all species listed under the Endangered Species Act as threatened or endangered, and shall also mean any snake, regardless of species, that grows to twelve (12) feet in length or longer, and tarantulas.
(e) "Animal control officer" means any individual employed, contracted, or appointed by the City to enforce ordinances and laws regulating the care and control of animals. The animal control officer also has a duty to educate the public regarding animal issues, including but not limited to, pet sterilization, licensing, wildlife, guardianship, and any other animal laws or issues affecting the animal population.
(f) "Animal Shelter" means a place where all animals impounded by the animal control officer are placed for their humane care and keeping.
(g) "Guardian"/"Owner" means a person who has control, custody, possession, title, or other legal interest in an animal.
(h) "Livestock/Poultry". "Livestock" means any hoofed animal, including, but not limited to horses, mules, donkeys, goats, sheep, bovine, and swine. "Poultry" includes, but is not limited to, turkey, geese, chicken, and any other wild game birds/fowl.
(i) "Minimum care" means care sufficient to preserve the health and well-being of a domestic animal and, except for emergencies or circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the guardian, includes, but is not limited to, the following requirements:
(1) Food of sufficient quantity and quality to allow for normal growth or maintenance of body weight.
(2) Open or adequate access to potable water of a drinkable temperature in sufficient quantity to satisfy the animal's needs (excluding fish).
(3) Access to a barn, house or other enclosed structure sufficient to protect the animal from wind, rain, snow, sun or excessive heat, and which has adequate bedding to protect against cold and dampness (excluding fish).
(4) Veterinary care deemed necessary by a reasonably prudent person to relieve distress from injury, neglect or disease (excluding fish).
(5) Continuous access to an area:
A. With adequate space for exercise necessary for the health of the animal. Inadequate space may be indicated by evidence of debility, stress or abnormal behavior patterns.
B. With air or water temperature suitable for the health of the animal.
C. With adequate ventilation or oxygenation.
D. With regular diurnal lighting cycles of either natural or artificial light.
E. Kept reasonably clean and free from excess waste or other contaminants that could affect the animal's health.
(6) It is the responsibility of the guardian to learn what care is appropriate for the domestic animal in his or her control.
(j) "Person" means an individual, corporation, trust, partnership, association, or any other legal entity.
(k) "Physical injury" means physical trauma, impairment of condition, or pain inconsistent with reasonable handling or training techniques.
(l) "Physical trauma" means fractures, cuts, burns, punctures, bruises, or other wounds or illnesses produced by violence or by a thermal or chemical agent.
(m) "Possession" means to have physical custody or to exercise dominion or control over an animal.
(n) "Serious physical injury" means physical injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes protracted disfigurement, protracted impairment of health or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a limb or bodily organ.
(o) "Torment" means to worry or tease an animal to such an extent that stress or abnormal behavioral patterns are evident in the animal.
(p) "Torture" means an action taken for the primary purpose of inflicting pain.
(q) "Wild Animal" means any mammal that is not domesticated. "Wild Animal" includes, but is not limited to, deer, raccoons, skunks, groundhogs, and other wild game and mammals.
(Ord. 2018-88. Passed 1-28-19.)