The duties of the Commission shall be as follows:
(a) Examine ways in which agencies and departments in Brooklyn and the courts respond to domestic violence and abuse in order to improve that response;
(b) Improve the cooperation and coordination among all participants in the justice system who deal with domestic violence and abuse;
(c) Make recommendations to Council, agencies, departments, the courts and others regarding improving the response to domestic violence and abuse;
(d) Examine and review legislation that relates to domestic violence and abuse and recommend appropriate action to the City Council’s Public Safety Committee.
(e) Form task forces, committees to assist in planning, policy, goal and priority recommendations, and such other functions as the Council deems necessary;
(f) Respond to related matters referred to the Commission by City Council; and
(g) Subject to the approval of the City Council and Mayor, request information, services, facilities and other assistance from City departments for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the Commission.
(Ord. 2001-1. Passed 2-12-01.)