(a)   Definitions. Wherever the term "Building Official" is used in this Code it shall mean the City of Brooklyn Building Commissioner and/or Building Inspector of Brooklyn. Whenever the term "Building Inspector" is used in this Code, unless that position is occupied by a person who is not the Building Commissioner, it shall mean the City of Brooklyn Building Commissioner. (Ord. 2021-14. Passed 6-14-21.)
   (b)   Amendments. The Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two and Three-Family Dwellings adopted herein is hereby amended and changed in the following respects:
      (1)   Section R101.1. Insert: City of Brooklyn.
      (2)   Section R105.2. Delete: Building: #1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
      (3)   Section R112.1. Amend: Board of Appeals.
   R112.1 General. All persons shall have the right to appeal the Building Official’s decision concerning matters pertaining to building construction and local zoning decisions to the City of Brooklyn Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (4)   Section R112.3. Delete.
      (5)   Section R113.4. Amend: Violations and Penalties.
   R113.4 Violation penalties. No person, firm or corporation, whether as owner, lessee, sublessee or occupant shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any one, two or three-family dwelling in the City or cause or permit the same to be done contrary to or in violation of any provision of this Code.
   Whoever violates any provision of this chapter or any Code adopted herein or fails to comply with any lawful order issued pursuant thereto is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than six months or both. Each day during which noncompliance or a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. The City may also employ civil remedies including but not limited to seeking an injunction to abate nuisances and/or violations.
(Ord. 2005-15. Passed 2-28-05.)
      (6)    Section R202. Amend: Manufactured Homes.
Manufactured Homes. It is the intention of Council that the Ohio Building Code provisions as published in Chapter 4101:1-1, Section 117, of the Ohio Administrative Code, shall apply to and govern one, two and three-family dwellings constructed of industrialized units, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary as contained in the Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two and Three-Family Dwellings adopted herein.
(Ord. 2017-80. Passed 11-13-17.)
      (7)   Section R309. Insert Subsection R309.7 Detached Garages.
   R309.6 Detached garages. Detached garages shall conform to this code except as specifically modified below:
         1.   Garage foundations shall be a floating slab design, with integral curb minimum four (4) inch wide, eight inch above grade curb, and a six (6) inch wide, eight inch below grade rodent wall; OR the garage foundation shall comply with Chapter 4 of this code, with an isolated floor slab.
         2.   Garage slabs shall be four (4) inch nominal thickness placed on compacted granular fill, and reinforced with #10 wire mesh. Wire mesh shall be placed and rolled into curbs prior to concrete placement. Vapor barrier is not required on detached garages.
      (8)   Section R506. Insert Subsection R506.3 Driveways and Sidewalks.
   R506.3 Driveways and Sidewalks. Driveways and sidewalks shall conform to the requirements of Section R506 except as specifically modified below:
Grades for the public sidewalks are sloped to the curb at the rate of one- eighth (1/8") inch per foot. The work shall not be less than four (4") inches thick and shall have contraction joints installed by the use of a jointer trowel at distances not larger than six (6') feet.
         1.   The public sidewalk shall have an aluminum float finish, be edged with an edging trowel, and shall have one-half (½") inch expansion joints every thirty (30') feet.
         2.   The public apron and the adjacent portion of the sidewalk at the driveway shall be six (6") inches thick.
         3.   Wire reinforcing mesh is not permitted in the public sidewalk and apron.
         4.   Positive drainage shall be provided to prevent accumulation of surface water, and surface water shall not drain to adjacent property or create a nuisance.
         5.   Fresh concrete shall be protected from adverse weather conditions, and an approved concrete sealing agent shall be spray applied promptly.
         6.   Asphalt may be used in lieu of concrete for private sidewalks and driveways only.
         7.   No asphalt may be used on the public sidewalks or aprons, except for replacement of existing asphalt aprons with the approval of the City of Brooklyn Service Director.
      (9)   Section R903. Add 903.4.2 Gutters and Downspouts.
   R903.4.2 Gutters and downspouts. Where roofs are sloped to drain over roof edges, gutters and downspouts shall be provided. Downspouts shall be connected to the storm sewer system, except where demonstrated to the Building Official that no nuisance will be created.
         (Ord. 2005-15. Passed 2-28-05.)