As used in this section:
   (a)    "Public body" means any legislative authority or board, commission, committee, agency, authority or similar decision-making body of the City of Brooklyn.
   (b)    "Meeting" means any pre-arranged discussion of the public business of the public body by a majority of its members.
   (c)    “Open to the public" means accessible by members of the public, in a physical location where the public body convenes in person together, except under the following circumstances where "open to the public" may also mean by teleconference or video conference:
      (1)    The presiding officer of the public body, or a majority of its members, calls for a meeting to be held by teleconference or video conference due to emergency or special circumstances;
      (2)    The public body provides the public access to the meeting, commensurate with the method in which the meeting is being conducted, including but not limited to live-streaming or live broadcasting by means of the internet, local radio, television, cable, or public access channels, offering call-in information for a teleconference, or granting access by means of any other similar electronic technology; and
      (3)    The public body ensures that the public can observe and hear the discussions and deliberations of all the members of the public body, whether the member is participating in person or electronically.
         (Ord. 2021-17. Passed 6-28-21.)