(A)   It is hereby and herewith determined that more than two false alarm drops per business establishment per calendar month is a threat to public safety and convenience, and that any alarm drops in excess of the two false alarm drops per calendar month per licensed business establishment must be prohibited by appropriate punitive measures.
   (B)   For each false alarm drop over two per calendar month per licensed business establishment, the business license holder shall be subject to a civil penalty as provided in § 37.99(B) of this chapter, payable to the law enforcement agency under contract with the city.
   (C)   For all other purposes, this section shall be enforced as other city ordinances and the appropriate criminal action shall be taken to insurance compliance.
   (D)   The Chief of Police and the Chief of the Fire Department shall certify such excessive false alarm drops to the City Clerk, who shall bill the offending license holder. In the event the offending party fails to pay the billing, cause shall be had to revoke the business license as well as other appropriate civil and criminal remedies.
(1997 Code, § 39.01) (Ord. 3-1-92, passed 3-7-1992) Penalty, see § 37.99