(A) Generally. The following minimum standards shall apply to all communication towers when seeking a conditional use permit.
(B) Specifically.
(1) The minimum setback, from permanent structures, roads, or utility lines, of a communications tower is the distance from the base to the top of the tower; however, engineering reports verifying a safer, lesser distance may be considered as part of a conditional use permitting process.
(2) Communication towers shall not be constructed unless evidence is demonstrated that the communication transmitter(s) in question can not be practically located on either an existing structure or an existing communication tower.
(3) All new communication towers shall be constructed in a manner that will allow the tower to accommodate at least three additional communication transmitters.
(4) Communication towers shall not contain transmitters which interfere with commercial or residential radio or television signals.
(5) All communication towers must comply with FAA regulations.
(Ord. passed - -2000; Ord. 730, passed 2-5-2004) Penalty, see § 153.999
(A) All semi-trailer bodies, whether on or off wheels, slide in campers, shipping containers and other containers are prohibited from being placed upon real estate zoned R-1 or R-2 for the purposes of storage, additions to homes, playhouses or any other purpose.
(B) (1) In the event that any new person desires to place an unconventional structure upon real estate zoned R-1 or R-2 and can show the same:
(a) Will be covered with a pitched roof of shingles or of metal;
(b) Will have sides painted the same color as the main building or will be covered with siding that is the same color as the main building; and
(c) Will be permanently anchored so as to make its true nature indiscernible from a conventional shed, he or she may apply to the Zoning Committee for their tentative approval.
(2) In the event that the Zoning Committee approves the same, the application shall be referred to the City Council for their approval. Any denial by the Zoning Committee or City Council shall be final for all purposes except appeal. All modifications required above shall be completed within one year of receiving City Council's approval.
(Ord. 883, passed 6-12-2014)
It is intended that the requirements for mobile home parks shall be such that the quality of a neighborhood is not detrimentally affected by the adjacent location of a mobile home park. The mobile home park is basically a low- to medium-density residential use and shall be treated as such. Since this form of single-family housing physically contrasts substantially with typical on-site constructed housing, it is necessary to review each request via the procedures of §§ 153.240 through 153.243. This review procedure allows design adjustments to fit the constraints of any site.
(Ord. passed - -2000)
(B) In addition to possible conditions being attached as the result of the conditional use, the following standards shall also apply.
(1) Minimum size of mobile home area. The minimum size of a mobile home area shall be 5,000 square feet.
(2) Setback. Mobile homes shall not be placed within 20 feet of any boundary that is not a street and 25 feet from any boundary that is adjacent to a street.
(3) Minimum separation between homes. The minimum separation between homes shall be based on the distance between mobile home units measured from the closest point or edge of the mobile home as follows:
(a) Fifteen feet between mobile homes if the units are placed end (width) to end (width).
(b) Twenty feet between mobile homes if the units are placed side (length) to side (length);
(c) Eighteen feet between mobile homes if the units are placed side (length) to end (width);
(d) Ends (width) of mobile homes that are greater than 16 feet in width, shall be considered to be sides of the mobile home in measuring distances between mobile home units;
(e) A mobile home shall have a minimum offset of five feet or one foot for every three feet in height, whichever is greater, from the perimeter of the mobile home park or from any adjacent property which is not approved to be utilized for a mobile home;
(f) Accessory buildings and structures on the same lot or space as a mobile home shall have a minimum clearance of ten feet from any structure or mobile home on any other lot; and
(g) Commonly owned or utilized building which are accessory to the park shall have a minimum clearance of ten feet from any other structure or mobile home.
(4) Access to dedicated streets. Access to dedicated streets shall be provided. The city may require mobile home parks over 50 units to have additional access points for emergency access purposes.
(5) Lighting. Adequate lighting shall be provided.
(6) Architectural control.
(a) The city may set architectural standards for a mobile home park, including requirements of wood siding or similar design features.
(b) 1. All manufactured homes, whether they are moved into an existing mobile home park or onto a privately owned lot in an appropriately zoned area of the city, shall have been constructed in compliance with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards of 1976. Therefore, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards of 1976, all manufactured homes must be manufactured, or built, on or after July 1, 1976.
2. All manufactured homes must have the required and approved HUD label attached to it demonstrating compliance with said regulations of division (B)(6)(b)1. above.
3. Any manufactured homes moved into the city boundaries must be compliant with regulations of divisions (B)(6)(b)1. and 2. above.
4. Any manufactured homes moved from location to location within the cityshall also be compliant with said regulations of divisions (B)(6)(b)1. and 2. above.
5. The only allowable movement of manufactured homes that are not in compliance with divisions (B)(6)(b)1. and 2. above within the city is for the exportation of said manufactured homes.
(7) Landscaping. A landscaping concept plan shall be submitted for review and approval.
(8) Storage. Storage units shall be designed as an integral part of the site.
(9) Utilities. All utilities shall be placed underground. Potable water and a sewage disposal system meeting Department of Health requirements shall be provided.
(10) Trash collection. Trash receptacles shall be provided and properly screened from view.
(Ord. passed - -2000; Ord. 849, passed 4-5-2012; Ord. 871, passed 3-14-2013) Penalty, see § 153.999
No livestock shall be kept, housed, penned, or otherwise in any mobile home park.
(Ord. passed - -2000) Penalty, see § 153.999
In order to provide for the most appropriate use of land throughout the district and giving the maximum consideration to the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses in the area affected by this chapter, special exceptions in the form of conditional uses are hereby established.
(Ord. passed - -2000)