   (A)   An RV park shall only be established in those parts of the city where RV park is set forth as a conditional use, and shall not be established until a conditional use permit is granted. In those districts where RV park is listed as a conditional use, all applications must first be processed via the procedures of Bridgeport City Code §§ 153.240 through 153.243.
   (B)   In addition to possible conditions being attached as the result of the conditional use, the following standards shall also apply:
      (1)   Minimum size of RV park area. The minimum size of an RV park area shall be 10,000 square feet.
      (2)   Setback. RVs shall not be placed within 20 feet of any boundary that is not a street and 25 feet from any boundary that is adjacent to a street.
      (3)   Minimum separation between RVs. The minimum separation between RVs shall be based on the distance between RVs measured from the closest point or edge of the RV as follows:
         (a)   Five feet between RVs if the units are placed end (width) to end (width);
         (b)   Ten feet between RVs if the units are placed side (length) to side (length); and
         (c)   Ten feet between RVs if the units are placed side (length) to end (width).
      (4)   Access to dedicated streets. Access to dedicated streets shall be provided. The city may require RV parks over 50 units to have additional access points for emergency access purposes.
      (5)   Adequate lighting shall be provided.
      (6)   Architectural/manufacture control.
         (a)   The conditional use permit that is prerequisite to the establishment of an RV park may set forth architectural/manufacturing standards for the RV park and/or the RVs that are allowable to be utilized in the RV park.
         (b)   The conditional use permit may set forth requirements pertaining to the individual RVs and/or the RV park, including, but not limited to, number, age, appearance, maintenance, length of stay, and other requirements necessary for the health and safety of the patrons in the park, residents of the city, and/or any other third parties that might have cause to interact with the park, as well as to maintain the appearance of the city.
      (7)   Landscaping. A landscaping concept plan shall be submitted for review and approval.
      (8)   Utilities. All utilities shall be placed underground. Potable water and a sewage disposal system meeting Department of Health requirements shall be provided.
      (9)   Trash receptacles shall be provided and properly screened from view.
(Ord. 974, passed 3-18-2021)
§ 153.999 PENALTY.
   It is unlawful to erect, construct, reconstruct, or alter any building or structure in violation of any provision of this chapter. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than ten days, or by both the fine and imprisonment. Each day after notification of offense during which the illegal use of any building, structure, or land continues shall be deemed a separate offense. Whenever a violation exists in these regulations, the city may proceed by a suit in equity to enjoin and abate the violation, in the manner provided by law. Whenever, in any action, it is established that a violation exists, the court may, together with the fine and penalty imposed, enter an order of abatement as a part of the judgment in the case.
(Ord. passed - -2000)