(A) Front yard setback.
(1) The front yard setback shall not be less than 25 feet from the front lot line.
(2) The front yard setback requirement shall be adjusted in the following cases.
(a) If there are already two or more structures existing on a block with the same street frontage, a new structure can not have a front yard setback smaller than any of the other aforementioned structures on that block.
(b) In cases where corner lots with more than two street frontages, front yard setback requirements shall be subject to the following limitations.
1. At least one front yard setback shall be 25 feet from front lot line.
2. The other front yard setback on the lot shall be at least ten feet from front lot line.
3. Neither front yard setback can be less than any other front yard setback along the same street on that same block.
(B) Side yard setback. Not less than five feet; and
(C) Rear yard setback. Not less than 15 feet between the rear lot line and the primary structure; not less than five feet between the rear lot line and an accessory structure.
(Ord. passed - -2000) Penalty, see § 153.999
(A) No accessory uses, buildings, or structures shall be erected in any required front or side yard, with the exception of pertinent structures which are necessary to the function of a business such as gasoline pumps as long as the structures are not within the required front yard.
(B) No accessory building shall be erected closer than five feet from any other building.
(C) No accessory building shall be used for dwelling purposes.
(D) Accessory storage buildings shall be permanently anchored.
(E) Fences may be constructed on the property line as long as the fence complies with all street, utility, and other applicable easements.
(Ord. passed - -2000) Penalty, see § 153.999
(A) No storage outside of an enclosed area, except the display of merchandise for sale to the public, shall be permitted.
(B) Exterior lighting fixtures shall be shaded so that no direct light is cast upon any residential property and so that no glare is visible to any traffic on any public street.
(C) Any highway commercial property that borders a residential property on its rear or side yards shall furnish and install a six-foot high fence between the commercial and residential uses unless a waiver is received from all of the affected residential landowners.
(Ord. passed - -2000) Penalty, see § 153.999