   (A)   Generally. The following conditional uses may be permitted, subject to approval procedures outlined in §§ 153.240 through 153.243 of this chapter.
   (B)   Specifically.
      (1)   Commercial or private storage in accordance with §§ 153.200 through 153.211;
      (2)   Pre-built homes;
      (3)   Multi-family dwellings with four or more units;
      (4)   Child day-care centers;
      (5)   Public buildings or uses not listed as a permitted use;
      (6)   Group homes;
      (7)   Funeral homes; and
      (8)   Uses similar to the uses listed above, as long as the use complies with the general intent of the R-1 District.
(Ord. passed - -2000; Ord. 861, passed 12-13-2012) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   Minimum lot area shall be 5,000 square feet.
   (B)   Minimum lot width shall be 50 feet.
(Ord. passed - -2000) Penalty, see § 153.999
   Maximum structure height shall be 35 feet.
(Ord. passed - -2000) Penalty, see § 153.999
§ 153.075 FOUNDATIONS.
   All dwellings shall be built on a permanent foundation.
(Ord. passed - -2000) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   Front yard.
      (1)   The front yard shall not be less than 15 feet from the front lot line.
      (2)   The front yard requirement shall be adjusted in the following cases.
         (a)   If there are already two or more homes existing on a block with the same street frontage, a new home can not have a front yard smaller than any of the other aforementioned homes on that block.
         (b)   In case of corner lots with more than two street frontages, street frontage setback requirements shall be subject to the following.
            1.   The front yard shall be a minimum of 25 feet from the front yard lot line.
            2.   The side yard with street frontage shall be a minimum of five feet from the side lot line, except that no street frontage side yard shall be required when the following conditions are met:
               a.   No structures or accessory buildings may have egress, by door, opening, or cargo door, onto the side yard; and
               b.   Any structures or buildings may not obstruct the view of traffic as determined by the Director of Public Works.
         (c)   With regard to homes and/or other conforming or conditional use structures with a front yard that is facing north or south, if there is already one or more existing structures on a block with the same street frontage, a new structure cannot have a front yard smaller than any of the other aforementioned structures on that block.
   (B)   Side yard. Not less than five feet from lot line; and
   (C)   Rear yard. Not less than 25 feet between the primary structure and rear lot line; however, accessory structures may be constructed on the rear lot line.
(Ord. passed - -2000; Ord. 716, passed 11-8-2001; Ord. 755, passed 10-5-2006; Ord. 873, passed 5-9-2013; Ord. 930, passed 11-14-2017; Ord. 941, passed 6-14-2018) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   No accessory uses, buildings, or structures shall be erected in any required front or side yard.
   (B)   No accessory building shall be erected closer than five feet from any other building.
   (C)   All accessory buildings on a lot collectively shall not cover more than 50% of the required rear yard.
   (D)   No accessory building shall be constructed upon a lot until the construction of the main building has been started.
   (E)   No accessory building shall be used for dwelling purposes.
   (F)   Accessory storage buildings shall be permanently anchored.
   (G)   Accessory buildings shall not exceed 18 feet in height.
(Ord. passed - -2000) Penalty, see § 153.999
§ 153.078 FENCES.
   (A)   Generally. Except as otherwise specifically provided in other codes and regulations, the following regulations shall apply to the construction of fences.
   (B)   Specifically.
      (1)   No fence shall be constructed which will constitute a traffic hazard.
      (2)   No fence shall be constructed in a manner or be of a design as to be hazardous or dangerous to persons or animals.
      (3)   No person shall erect or maintain any fence which shall adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare.
      (4)   No fence shall exceed three and one-half feet in height in front yards and no fence shall exceed six feet in height in side or rear yards.
      (5)   Fences may be constructed on the property line as long as the fence complies with all street, utility, and other applicable easements.
      (6)   Any fence that falls into disrepair shall be either repaired or moved within 30 days of notification by the city.
(Ord. passed - -2000) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   Generally. Any single-family dwelling allowed as a permitted use shall comply to the following standards.
   (B)   Specifically.
      (1)   The dwelling shall have no less than 900 square feet of floor area.
      (2)   The dwelling shall have no less than an 18-foot exterior width.
      (3)   The roof shall be pitched with a minimum vertical rise of two and one-half inches for each 12 inches of horizontal run.
      (4)   The exterior material shall be of a color, material, and scale comparable with those existing in residential site-built, single-family construction.
      (5)   The dwelling shall have a nonreflective roof material which is or simulates asphalt or wood shingles, tile, or rock.
      (6)   No dwelling shall have wheels, axles, transporting lights, and removable towing apparatus.
      (7)   All pre-built homes developed within this district must be built with either a crawl space or basement beneath it, or any combination thereof. The exterior walls of the pre-built house must be supporting walls and must be permanently anchored to the exterior walls of the crawl space and/or basement. It must meet the minimum standards set by the city adopted building codes at the time of installation.
(Ord. 702, passed 3-8-2001; Ord. 862, passed 12-13-2012 ) Penalty, see § 153.999