§ 112.05 JUNK YARDS.
   (A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      JUNK. Scrap metals, scrap materials, whether they are liquids, solids, or gases, branches of trees, and dismantled or wrecked automobiles, tractors, and machinery or parts thereof.
      JUNK COLLECTOR. Any person going from place to place, or house to house, collecting or buying iron, copper, brass and zinc scraps, rags, bottles, or old paper, and selling the same to a junk dealer.
      JUNK DEALER. Any person engaged in the business of buying, selling, receiving, collecting, or dealing in metal scraps, scrap iron, metals of any kind and in any form, bottles, rags, and used tires; the dismantling or taking apart of automobiles, other than for repair, or the wrecking of automobiles; the storage of automobiles unfit for operation; the storage of automobile bodies and parts thereof; the storage of automobiles or parts thereof kept for salvage; the storage of scraps from automobiles; or the storage of iron, metals, or junk.
      JUNK YARD. Any place in the city where or from which any person shall conduct, engage in, or carry on the business of junk dealer as herein defined.
(1973 Code, § 10-309)
   (B)   Regulation. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, operate, or hold open for public use any junk yard as herein defined without first obtaining a license to do so from the city. Application for a license to own, operate, or hold open for public use any junk yard shall be made in writing to the City Clerk/Treasurer and shall require the information and documents, or copies thereof, that the City Council deems necessary to determine whether to grant or reject the application. Upon approval of the application, the City Clerk/Treasurer shall issue the license upon the payment of a fee set by resolution of the City Council. The licensee shall then be subject to any occupation taxes, bond requirements, and other rules and regulations which the City Council may determine to be beneficial to the city. Any such bond shall be set by resolution of the City Council and will be conditioned upon the faithful observance of the provisions of this code. The bond shall be held for the benefit of any person who may suffer damage by the improper management of the junk yard.
(Neb. RS 69-202) (1973 Code, § 10-310)
   (C)   Nuisance. Any junk yard that becomes a danger to the public health, or is not operated in the manner herein provided, shall be deemed to be a public nuisance after the 30-day period of grace. The City Council shall then request the City Attorney to prosecute the owner, operator, director, or employee of the nuisance for violation of the provisions of this section.
(Neb. RS 18-1,720) (1973 Code, § 10-311)
   (D)   Premise. Any area or parcel of land used as a junk yard shall not have more than two entrances and two exits each of which shall not exceed 15 feet in width at the perimeter of the premise. The premise or parcel of land shall be enclosed with either a solid nontransparent wall or fence or link-weave steel wire, or combination thereof, with a minimum height of seven feet from the ground level, except for entrances and exits. The fence shall not contain any poster or advertising of any kind except one sign of the licensee not exceeding 100 square feet.
(1973 Code, § 10-312)
   (E)   Rodents. Any person who owns, operates, directs, or is employed by a junk yard shall make a diligent and continuous effort to exterminate all rats, mice, and other harmful rodents frequenting the junk yard.
(Neb. RS 18-1,720) (1973 Code, § 10-313)
Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Lighting. It shall be the duty of all railroad companies owning, operating, and maintaining a railroad through the city to sufficiently light all crossings and to install as many signal systems as the City Council shall deem necessary at the expense of the company.
(Neb. RS 17-561) (1973 Code, § 10-314)
   (B)   Obstructing traffic. It shall be unlawful for any railroad company, its employees, agents, or servants operating a railroad through the city to obstruct traffic on any public street, except in the event of an emergency, for a longer period at one time than five minutes.
(Neb. RS 17-552) (1973 Code, § 10-315)
Penalty, see § 10.99
   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to move any building or structure within the city without written permit to do so. Application may be made to the City Clerk/Treasurer, and shall include present and future location of the building to be moved, the proposed route, the equipment to be used, and any other information as the City Council may require. The application shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by the County Treasurer to the effect that all the provisions regulating the moving of buildings have been complied with on the part of the owner of the real estate upon which the building is presently located. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall refer the application to the city police for approval of the proposed route over which the building is to be moved. Upon approval of the City Council, the City Clerk/Treasurer shall then issue the permit; provided, that a good and sufficient corporate surety bond, check, or cash in an amount set by motion of the City Council and conditioned upon moving the building without doing damage to any private or city property is filed with the City Clerk/Treasurer prior to the granting of any permit. No permit shall be required to move a building that is ten feet wide, or less, and twenty feet long, or less, and when in a position to move, 15 feet high or less. In the event it will be necessary for any licensed building mover to interfere with the telephone or telegraph poles and wires, or a gas line, the company or companies owning, using, or operating the poles, wires or line shall upon proper notice of at least 24 hours, be present and assist by disconnecting the poles, wires, or line relative to the building moving operation. All expense of the disconnection, removal, or related work shall be paid in advance by the licensee unless the disconnection or work is furnished on different terms as provided in the company's franchise. Whenever the moving of any building necessitates interference with a water main, sewer main, pipes, or wire belonging to the city, notice in writing of the time and route of the building moving operation shall be given to the various city officials in charge of the city utility departments who shall proceed in behalf of the city and at the expense of the mover to make the disconnections and do the work as is necessary.
(Neb. RS 17-142) (1973 Code, § 10-316) Penalty, see § 10.99
   It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to sell fireworks of any description whatsoever, except sparklers, vesuvious fountains, spray fountains, torches, color fire cones, star and comet type color aerial shells without explosive charges for the purpose of making a noise. Color wheels, toy cap pistols, and permissible caps may be sold at retail at all times; provided, that all other fireworks named may be sold only between June 24 and July 5; provided, that fireworks of any description are permissible for purposes of public exhibitions or displays as authorized by the City Council; and further provided that the vendor shall secure a license prior to the sales. Application shall be filed with the City Clerk/Treasurer upon forms supplied by the city and requesting the information and documents as the City Council may deem necessary as to whether or not to grant the license. Upon the determination to grant the license, the City Council shall direct the City Clerk/Treasurer to collect the appropriate fee and issue the license. Any license so issued may be revoked at any time by the City Council upon proper notice and hearing, if one is requested by the licensee.
(Neb. RS 17-137) (1973 Code, § 10-317) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Fireworks regulations, see Neb. RS 28-1241 through 28-1252