§ 112.03 GAS FITTERS.
   (A)   Registration required. No person or firm shall hereafter engage in the business of inspecting, cleaning, repairing, alteration, sale, or installation of natural gas piping systems and appliances until he or she shall have registered as a gas fitter as hereinafter provided. Application for registration shall be made in writing at the office of the Utilities Superintendent showing the name and residence of the applicant, the business location of the applicant, and any other information as may be required.
(1973 Code, § 10-305)
   (B)   Bond. Each registered gas fitter, as a condition to the issuance of each certificate, shall obtain and file with the City Clerk/Treasurer a personal surety bond, in a sum set by resolution of the City Council and on file at the office of the Clerk/Treasurer, signed by one or more sufficient sureties, or a corporate surety doing business in the city to be approved by the City Council conditioned that the licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless the city from all accidents, damage, liability, claims, judgments, costs, or expenses caused by the willful or negligent conduct of the gas fitter. The obligee of the bond shall be the city, and action may be maintained thereon by anyone injured by a breach of its condition. All bonds tendered by gas fitters shall be approved in writing as to form and substance by the City Attorney. In addition to the filing of the aforesaid bond, each registered gas fitter shall obtain and file a certificate thereof with the City Clerk/Treasurer, a general, public liability insurance policy for property damage, and bodily injury in policy limits set by resolution of the City Council and on file at the office of the Clerk/Treasurer. Action may be maintained thereon by anyone injured by a breach of the conditions of the bond or the covenants contained in the required endorsement on the policy of insurance for a period of one year after the completion of any gas fitting work.
(1973 Code, § 10-306)
Penalty, see § 10.99