No vehicle shall be parked or left standing for any purpose within 25 feet of the intersection or curb lines, nor where the curb lines are painted red to indicate the prohibition. Where there are no curbs, parking shall be prohibited within 15 feet of the intersection of property lines at a street intersection.
(Neb. RS 60-6,166) (1973 Code, § 5-410) Penalty, see § 10.99
No vehicle shall, except in case of an accident or emergency, stop within any street intersection, alley entrance, or any such location as to obstruct any street, crosswalk, or alley entrance.
(Neb. RS 60-680) (1973 Code, § 5-411) Penalty, see § 10.99
No vehicle shall park on any street with its left side to the curb, unless the street has been designated to be a "one-way" street by the City Council. Vehicles must not be parked at any curb in such a position as to prevent another vehicle already parked at the curb from moving away.
(Neb. RS 60-6,167) (1973 Code, § 5-412) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works to cause the curb space to be painted and keep the same painted as provided in this chapter. No person, firm, or corporation shall paint the curb of any street, or in any manner set aside, or attempt to prevent the parking of vehicles in any street, or part thereof, except at the places where the parking of vehicles is prohibited by the provisions of this chapter. The marking or designating of portions of streets or alleys where the parking of vehicles is prohibited or limited shall be done only by the city through its proper officers, at the direction of the City Council.
(Neb. RS 60-680) (1973 Code, § 5-413) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to park upon any street, alley, or public place within this city any vehicle displayed for sale. No person shall adjust or repair any automobile or motorcycle, or race the motor of same, while standing on the public streets or alleys of this city, excepting in case of breakdown or other emergency requiring same. No person or employee connected with a garage or repair shop shall use sidewalks, streets, or alleys in the vicinity of the garage or shop for the purpose of working on automobiles or vehicles of any description.
(Neb. RS 60-680) (1973 Code, § 5-414) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful to park or place on the streets, alleys, or other public property any motor vehicle without first securing a current license as provided by law.
(Neb. RS 60-323) (1973 Code, § 5-415) (Ord. 669, passed 5-8-1997) Penalty, see § 10.99
The provisions of this chapter regulating the movement, parking, and standing of vehicles shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles, as defined in this chapter, while the driver of the vehicle is operating the same in an emergency in the necessary performance of public duties.
(1973 Code, § 5-418)