73.01 Establishment of snow emergency routes
73.02 Declaration of emergency; prohibition of parking on snow emergency routes
73.03 Prohibition of parking on downtown commercial areas during snow emergency
73.04 Prohibition of parking in community center parking lot during snow emergency
73.05 Movement of snow from private property
73.06 Operation of motor vehicles on snow emergency routes
73.07 Emergency declarations of the City Administrator
73.08 Provisions temporarily effective to take precedence
73.09 Removal of stalled or parked vehicles
73.10 Violations
73.11 Effective date
(A) The following streets are declared to be snow emergency routes within the city. The City Administrator (or someone designated by him or her, but always referred to herein as the City Administrator) shall, at his or her discretion, place appropriate signs or other traffic-control devices indicating the existence of snow emergency routes. A designation of any street, avenue, road, or highway, or portion thereof, as a snow emergency route shall in no way affect any previous designation of that street, avenue, road, or highway for any other purposes, but shall be in addition thereto.
(B) The following streets are designated as emergency snow arterial streets:
(1) Highway 92, from Recreation Road to Main Street;
(2) Highway 385, from Main Street to South Railroad Avenue;
(3) Highway 385, from 5th Street to Platte River Bridge;
(4) 3rd Street, from Recreation Road to H Street;
(5) 4th Street, from H Street to Main Street;
(6) 5th Street, from Main Street to P Street;
(7) 7th Street, from P Street to Q Street;
(8) 8th Street, from Railroad Avenue to P Street
(9) 9th Street, from Q Street to R Street;
(10) 11th Street, from Main Street to R Street;
(11) 13th Street, from R Street to S Street;
(12) Recreation Road, from 5th Street to the entrance of Bridgeport State Lakes;
(13) South Railroad Avenue, from Junction Highway 88 to Junction Highway 385;
(14) H Street, from 3rd Street to 4th Street;
(15) L Street, from 8th Street to 10th Street;
(16) P Street, from 5th Street to 7th Street;
(17) Q Street, from 7th Street to Junction Highway 385;
(18) R Street, from 11th Street to 13th Street;
(19) S Street, from 9th Street to Junction Highway 385;
(20) 9th Street, from Main Street to S Street.
(Ord. 777, passed 8-8-2008; Ord. 989, passed 2-9-2023)
Whenever the City Administrator shall determine, on the basis of the falling snow, sleet, or freezing rain, or on the basis of an official forecast by the National Weather Service of snow, sleet, or freezing rain, that imminent weather conditions will make it necessary that parking on snow emergency routes, as designated in § 73.01, be prohibited or restricted for snow plowing and other purposes, the City Administrator may place into effect a parking prohibition on all snow emergency routes by declaring that the emergency conditions exist. In the declaration of emergency conditions, the City Administrator shall state the time that the emergency shall become effective. From the time so designated, all parking of vehicles on snow emergency routes shall be and the same hereby is prohibited. While the prohibition is in effect, no person shall park or allow to remain parked any vehicle on any portion of a snow emergency route. Once the emergency is in effect, the parking prohibition imposed by this section shall remain in effect until terminated by declaration of the City Administrator. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to permit parking at any time or place where it is forbidden by any other provision of law.
(Ord. 777, passed 8-8-2008) Penalty, see § 10.99