These regulations pertain to conditionally permissible uses as listed in §§ 153.051, 153.066, 153.081, 153.101, 153.136, 153.156, 153.176 and 153.196.
   (A)   Loud speakers which cause a hazard or annoyance shall not be permitted.
   (B)   All points of vehicular entrance or exit should be located no closer than 200 feet from the intersection of two major thoroughfares; or no closer than 100 feet from the intersection of a major thoroughfare and a local or collector thoroughfare.
   (C)   There shall be no more than one advertisement oriented to each abutting road identifying the activity.
   (D)   No lighting shall constitute a nuisance and shall in no way impair safe movement of traffic on any street or highway; no lighting shall shine directly on adjacent properties.
   (E)   Elementary schools structures should be located on a collector thoroughfare.
   (F)   Such developments should be located on major thoroughfares or at intersections of major and/or collector thoroughfares.
   (G)   Such uses shall not require uneconomical extensions of utility services at the expense of the community.
   (H)   Such uses should be properly landscaped to be harmonious with surrounding residential uses.
   (I)   Such structures should be located adjacent to parks and other nonresidential uses such as schools and shopping facilities where use could be made of joint parking facilities.
   (J)   All permitted installations shall be maintained to prevent injury to any property, any individual, or to the community in general.
   (K)   Customary home occupations, subject to the requirements of this division (K) as follows:
      (1)   Handicraft, dressmaking, millinery, laundering, baking and operation of a beauty shop; and
      (2)   The professional offices of a physician, surgeon, dentist, lawyer, engineer or other like profession (real estate, insurance, CPA):
         (a)   Such use shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit and no use of any accessory building or yard space shall be permitted;
         (b)   Such use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes;
         (c)   Such use shall be conducted only by persons residing in the dwelling units;
         (d)   There shall be no display nor stock in trade nor commodities sold except those which are produced on the premises;
         (e)   The use shall not involve the use of wore than 33-1/3% of the floor area of only one story;
         (f)   No newspaper, radio or television service shall be used to advertise such home occupations;
         (g)   One unlighted name plate not more than two square feet in area announcing the name and home occupation shall be permitted; and
         (h)   Such uses shall not create a nuisance by reason of noise, odor, dust, vibration, fumes, smoke, electrical interference or other causes.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 802, passed 7-15-1974; Ord. 19-1986, passed 9-2-1986)