(A)   Minimum front yard depth. Fifty feet, except as otherwise required in division (D) below.
   (B)   Minimum rear yard depth. Twenty-five feet, except as otherwise required in § 153.196 and in division (D) below.
   (C)   Minimum side yard width. Twenty-five feet, except as otherwise required in § 153.196 and in division (D) below.
   (D)   Yards adjoining any residential district. Where the boundary of an I-2 District adjoins the boundary line of a residential district, the minimum front, rear or side yard, as the case may be, shall be 100 feet. The area abutting the residential boundary, to a depth of 50 feet, shall be landscaped and maintained as to minimize any undesirable visual effects of the industry on adjacent residential uses; the balance of the yard area shall be used for open space or vehicular parking.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 422.4, passed 7-15-1974)