20.256.010 Intent and purpose
20.256.020 Uses permitted
20.256.030 Uses prohibited
20.256.040 Property development standards
20.256.050 Plan review
20.256.060 Performance standards
The purpose of the M-2 Zone is to preserve the lands of the city appropriate for heavy industrial uses, to protect these lands from intrusion by dwellings and inharmonious commercial uses, to promote uniform and orderly industrial development, to protect property values, to foster an efficient and aesthetically pleasant industrial zone, to attract and encourage the location of desirable industrial plants, to provide an industrial environment which will be conducive to good employee relations and pride on the part of all citizens of the community, and to provide proper safeguards and appropriate transition for surrounding land uses.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68)
Uses permitted in M-2 Zone are contained in Chapter 20.11 of this title.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68; Am. Ord. 464, passed 4-27-70; Am. Ord. 484, passed 5-24-71; Am. Ord. 689, passed 1-15-80; Am. Ord. 761, passed 9-18-84; Am. Ord. 924, passed 8-4-92; Am. Ord. 965, passed 4-4-95; Am. Ord. 1092, passed 5-16-06; Am. Ord. 1154, passed 6-21-11; Am. Ord. 1241, passed 8-15-23)
Uses prohibited in M-2 Zone are contained in Chapter 20.11 of this title.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68; Am. Ord. 1241, passed 8-15-23)
The property development standards of the M-1 Zone shall apply to all property in the M-2 Zone except:
A. Where an M-2 Zone abuts any other industrial or commercial zoning district classification, a yard area of fifty (50) feet shall be maintained along said abutting district. This yard may be used for parking.
B. Where a parcel or lot in the M-2 Zone is proposed for the development of a hazardous waste facility, a distance of one thousand (1,000) from any sensitive population property lines is required, in addition to the required development standards of the M-1 Zone. The one thousand (1,000) foot shall be measured from property lines of the subject property.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68; Am. Ord. 924, passed 8-4-92)
The provisions of § 20.408.040 of this title (Plan Review) shall apply to all proposed developments within the M-2 (General Industrial) Zone. Additionally, all property zoned M-2 and located within three hundred (300) feet of any “R” (Residentially) zoned property shall not be developed except upon the previous approval of a conditional use permit pursuant to § 20.408.030 of this title.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68; Am. Ord. 772, passed 4-16-85; Am. Ord. 963, passed 1-17-95)