The powers and duties of the Architectural and Design Review Board are as follows:
(a)   To assist and advise the Planning Commission in reviewing development plans for:
(1)   Nonresidential uses in the R-LF, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, O and NC Districts, as permitted in Section 1155.02 (b), which shall be reviewed pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 1153.08; and
(2)   Planned residential developments, as permitted in Chapter 1162, which shall be reviewed pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 1164.14.
(b)    To advise the Planning Commission in reviewing the final architectural design of a single-family dwelling within a planned residential development in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 1164.14.
(c)   To review and act upon applications for the construction of single-family dwellings, the addition of certain accessory structures, or changes to the footprint or ground floor area of existing single-family dwellings, as specified in Schedule 1154.03 and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 1154.04.
(d)   To review and act upon an application to modify the building envelope of an existing single-family dwelling, such as adding bay windows, dormers, and/or modifying the roof pitch, or add certain accessory structures, as specified in Schedule 1154.03 and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 1154.05.
(e)    To review fence applications pursuant to Chapter 1171.
   The design review criteria set forth in Section 1117.08, and all other standards, regulations and criteria contained in this Code, shall be considered by the Architectural and Design Review Board in its review.
(Ord. 3050. Passed 1-17-01.)