901.01 Conditions precedent to improving streets.
901.02 Street opening and tunneling; permit.
901.03 Curb cutting; permit and fee.
901.04 Permit application.
901.05 Bond for opening or tunneling required.
901.06 Pavement restoration.
901.07 Barricades around excavations.
901.08 Warning lights.
901.09 Protection of pavement prior to unloading.
901.10 Fences or buildings obstructing streets or sidewalks.
901.11 Materials on streets or sidewalks.
901.12 Duty to clean sidewalks, curbs and gutters.
901.99 Penalty.
Openings by Municipality - see Ohio R.C. 723.02
Compulsory service connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06, 743.23, 743.37
Street Department - see ADM. Ch. 143
Building Commissioner - see ADM. Ch. 145
Placing injurious materials or obstructions in street - see TRAF. 311.01
Destroying or removing barricades and warning lights - see GEN. OFF. 521.03(b)
Sidewalk obstructions - see GEN. OFF. 521.04
Repairing, cleaning sidewalks - see GEN. OFF. 521.06
Curb cut permit fee - see BLDG. 1311.17