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Braham Overview
Braham, MN Code of Ordinance
   The following are permitted uses:
   (A)   All permitted uses allowed in a (GBD) General Business District (§ 154.122);
   (B)   All permitted uses allowed in a (I-1) Limited Industrial District (§ 154.147); and
   (C)   All permitted uses allowed in a (I-2) General Industrial District (§ 154.172).
(Ord. 222, passed 6-3-2003)
   The following uses may be permitted:
   (A)   Adult uses;
   (B)   Any drive-in type establishments, not including theaters;
   (C)   Any use other than those enumerated as permitted uses, intended to provide amusement on the payment of a fee, including, but not limited to, water slides, golf ranges, raceway (go carts), roller skating rink, and mini-golf parks;
   (D)   Auto service station;
   (E)   Community or convention center;
   (F)   Convenience food establishments;
   (G)   Freight terminals;
   (H)   Other manufacturing, processing, servicing, production, storage, or commercial use, determined by the Planning Commission, to be of the same general character as the permitted and conditional uses, and conform with the purpose and performance standards set forth in this district;
   (I)   Planned unit developments as regulated by this section and §§ 154.220 through 154.223;
   (J)   Sports arena or stadium; and
   (K)   Towers.
(Ord. 222, passed 6-3-2003)
   The following are permitted accessory uses in the GB-I District:
   (A)   Commercial, business, and industrial buildings and structures for a use accessory to the principle use, but shall not exceed 30% of the gross floor area of the principle use;
   (B)   Off-street parking as regulated by §§ 154.295 through 154.307, but not including semi-trailer trucks;
   (C)   Off-street loading as regulated by §§ 154.295 through 154.307; and
   (D)   Fencing, screening, and landscaping, as permitted and regulated by § 154.254.
(Ord. 222, passed 6-3-2003)
§ 154.200 ADULT USES.
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish provisions for the opportunity, as well as control of, adult uses within the city.
   (B)   General provisions. Adult uses, as defined in this chapter shall be subject to the following general provisions:
      (1)   Activities classified as obscene, as defined by M.S. § 617.241, as it may be amended from time to time, are not permitted and are prohibited;
      (2)   Adult uses, either principal or accessory, shall be prohibited from locating in any building which is also used for residential purposes;
      (3)   Adult uses, either principal or accessory, shall be prohibited from locating in any building which is also licensed to sell intoxicating liquor, non-intoxicating malt liquor, or wine; and
      (4)   An adult use, which does not qualify as an adult use accessory, shall be classified as an adult use principal.
   (C)   Adult uses principal.
      (1)   Adult use principal shall be located at least 300 radial feet, as measured in a straight line from the closest point of the property line of the building upon which the adult use principal is located, to the property line of any of the following:
         (a)   Residentially zoned property;
         (b)   A licensed day care center;
         (c)   A public or private educational facility classified as an elementary, junior high, or senior high school;
         (d)   A public library;
         (e)   A public park;
         (f)   Another adult use principal;
         (g)   An on-sale liquor establishment; or
         (h)   Any church, synagogue, or other principal place of worship of any duly organized religious organization.
      (2)   Adult use principal activities, as defined by this chapter, shall be classified as one use. No two or more adult uses principal shall be located in the same building or upon the same property, and each use shall be subject to this chapter.
      (3)   Adult use principal activities, as defined by this chapter, shall be allowed only upon property zoned in the General Business Industrial District (GB-I).
   (D)   Adult uses accessory.
      (1)   Adult use accessory shall:
         (a)   Comprise no more than 10% of the floor area of the establishment in which it is located, or shall comprise an area no greater than 100 square feet of floor area in which it is located, whichever is smaller;
         (b)   Comprise no more than 20% of the gross receipts of the subject business operation at the subject location; and
         (c)   Not involve or include any activity except the sale or rental of merchandise.
      (2)   Adult use accessory shall be restricted from, and prohibit access to, minors by the physical separation of the items from areas of general public access.
         (a)   Movie rentals. Display areas shall be restricted from general view and shall be located within a separate room, the access of which is in clear view and under the control of the persons responsible for the operation.
         (b)   Magazines. Publications classified or qualifying as adult uses shall be covered with a wrapper or other means to prevent display of any material other than the publication title.
         (c)   Other use. Adult use accessory activities not specifically cited shall comply with the intent of this section subject to the approval of the City Council.
      (3)   Adult use accessory shall be prohibited from both internal and external advertising and signing of adult materials and products.
   (E)   Non-conforming adult use, principal or accessory. 
      (1)   Adult uses which are classified as legal, non-conforming uses may continue in accordance with the provision of this section, except that any non-conforming use shall be terminated and become illegal 60 days after the adoption of this section. To the extent possible, the city shall attempt to identify all the uses which become classified as non-conforming under the provisions of this division (E), and shall notify the property owners and operators of the uses, in writing, of the change in status and the terms and conditions which apply. The owner of any property on which an adult use is located may apply to the Council for an extension of the termination date.
      (2)   Any application shall be in writing and be received by the city no later than 60 days upon adoption of this section. Failure to submit a timely extension application shall constitute a waiver of the right to request an exception if, upon the Council’s determination, the applicant demonstrates that the amortization period is an unreasonable burden upon the business and does not allow adequate time to recover a reasonable return upon the business investment. The applicant shall have the burden of proof to demonstrate hardship with the established termination date and also the time required for an extension. In making its decision, the Council may consider any factor relevant to the issues, including, but not limited to:
         (a)   The degree of magnitude of threat to the public health, safety, and general welfare posed by the secondary impacts of the operation;
         (b)   The length of time that the adult use has been operating;
         (c)   The ease by which the property could be converted to a conforming use;
         (d)   The nature and character of the surrounding neighborhood;
         (e)   The value and condition of the improvements on the property;
         (f)   The amount of the applicant’s investment in the business;
         (g)   The amount of investment already realized; and
         (h)   The cost of relocating the adult use.
   (F)   Sign restrictions. Adult use principal shall adhere to the following signing regulations in order to protect children from exposure to lurid signs and materials, and in order to preserve the value of property surrounding adult use businesses. The following sign regulations shall apply to all adult use businesses in the city, notwithstanding any other provision of this section.
      (1)   All signs shall be flat wall signs. No signs shall be free standing, located on the roof, or contain any flashing lights, moving elements, or electronically or mechanically changing messages.
      (2)   The amount of allowable sign area shall be one square foot of sign area per foot of lot frontage on a street not to exceed 80 square feet for the total of all signs. The total number of signs on the building shall be two.
      (3)   No merchandise, photos, or pictures of the products or entertainment on the premises shall be displayed in window areas or any area where they can be viewed from the outside of the building.
      (4)   No signs shall be placed in any window. A one square foot sign may be placed on the door to state the hours of operation and admittance to adults only.
      (5)   Sign messages shall be generic in nature and shall only identify the type of business which is being conducted.
      (6)   Sign messages shall not contain material classified as advertising.
(Ord. 230, passed 4-6-2004) Penalty, see § 154.999
   (A)   Every individual lot, site, or tract shall have an area of not less than one-half acre.
   (B)   Every lot or tract shall have a width of not less than 100 feet abutting a public right-of-way.
   (C)   All planned unit developments shall only be permitted on an area of at least two acres.
   (D)   There shall be a required minimum 10% reservation of the total lot area for landscaping use. The landscaping shall conform, in design and appearance, with the overall development plan as approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 222, passed 6-3-2003)
   (A)   Front yard. 
      (1)   There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 35 feet between building and the street right-of-way line to be devoted exclusively to landscaping, except for necessary points of access.
      (2)   When off-street parking is to occur in the front yard area, the front yard requirements shall be that the provisions of §§ 154.295 through 154.307 are complied with.
   (B)   Side yards. There shall be two side yards, one on each side of the building. Each side yard shall not be less than ten feet in width.
   (C)   Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard not less than 25 feet in depth from the building to the rear lot line.
(Ord. 222, passed 6-3-2003)
   When any lot line coincides with a lot line of an adjacent residential district, the setback shall be at least 30 feet.
(Ord. 222, passed 6-3-2003)