Officers and Employees
30.01 Combining offices of City Clerk and Treasurer; City Administrator
30.02 Salaries; Mayor and Council
30.03 Voluntary police reserve
Planning Commission
30.15 Composition
30.16 Term of office
30.17 Vacancies
30.18 Oath of office
30.19 Compensation
30.20 Removal from office
30.21 Organization
30.22 Secretary
30.23 Meetings
30.24 Procedures
30.25 Powers and duties
(A) Pursuant to the authority granted by M.S. §§ 412.02, subd. 3, and 412.591, subd. 2, as they are amended from time to time, the offices of Clerk and Treasurer in the city are hereby combined into the office of Clerk-Treasurer, which office shall also be known as the office of the City Administrator.
(B) Beginning with the year in which this subchapter became effective, and each year thereafter, there shall be an audit of the city’s financial affairs by the State Auditor, or a public accountant in accordance with minimum auditing procedures prescribed by the State Auditor.
(Ord. 115, passed 3-2-1987)
(A) Commencing January 1, 2021, the salary for the Mayor is fixed at $2,787 per year, and the salary for each Council member is fixed at $2,145 per year.
(B) Commencing January 1, 2021, the per diem amount for the Mayor and each Council member is fixed at $30 per special Council meeting, other public meetings, approved conferences, and training sessions, or required time spent on city business. No per diems will be paid for regularly scheduled Council meetings. No more than one per diem per day will be paid without Council approval. No more than ten per diems per month will be paid, except that a per diem will be paid for a properly called special meeting of the Council, which will not be included in the ten per diem limit.
(C) Commencing January 1, 2021, appointed members of any committees appointed by the City Council shall be paid a per diem of $25 for each meeting attended, and where the committee member is also a member of the City Council, the compensation will be at the current per diem rate for a Council meeting in place of the $25 committee per diem. Only one per diem payment per day will be paid, regardless of the number of meetings attended, and no more than a total of three per diems per month (for one regular meeting and two special meetings). Per diems for committee members require preapproval by the City Administrator or Mayor, and will not be paid for activity outside of a meeting quorum.
(Ord. 288, passed 10-1-2019; Ord. 288, passed 11-1-2022)
Editor’s note:
The temporary salary reductions enacted by Ord. 288, passed 11-1-2022, lapsed after 12 months, pursuant to M.S. § 415.11, subd. 3.
(A) Under the direction of the Mayor and City Council, the Police Chief shall establish a voluntary police reserve within the city to be known as the “Braham Police Reserve Unit”, pursuant to the provisions of this section.
(B) The qualifications of the members of the Reserve shall be determined by the Chief of Police, with final appointment to be made by the Mayor and City Council.
(C) The size of the Reserve shall be determined by the Chief of Police, as approved by the Mayor and City Council. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the administration of the Police Reserve Unit.
(D) The duties and obligations of the members of the Reserve shall be to aid in the enforcement of all laws and in the suppression of disturbances, the preservation of peace, and the protection of life and property, all under the authority of the laws of the state and supervision of the Chief of Police.
(E) Individual members may be used as deemed necessary by the Chief of Police, but the entire Reserve shall not be called out to duty, except upon direct order of the Mayor or his or her designate. No member of the Reserve, or the Reserve itself, shall exercise any authority outside the limits of the city.
(F) Members of the Reserve shall receive no compensation for their services, except that they shall be covered by Worker’s Compensation Insurance while on duty.
(G) The Policy and Procedures Manual of the Braham Police Reserve Unit is hereby adopted as the formal policy for the guidelines to follow in the recruitment and operation of this unit.
(H) Any amendments to the Policy and Procedures Manual of the Braham Police Reserve Unit must be made by resolution as approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 200, passed 5-1-2000)