The City Administrator, or a designated staff person, shall act as Secretary for the Planning Commission. The Secretary shall, in no event, be a member of the Commission, except that in absence of the Secretary from a regular meeting, the Chairperson of the Planning Commission shall designate a temporary Secretary, either from among the members of the Commission, or non-members of the Commission to serve as a temporary Secretary.
(Ord. 119, passed 8-3-1987; Ord. 158, passed 10-7-1996)
The Planning Commission shall adopt rules for the transaction of business, and shall keep a public record of all motions, resolutions, transactions, findings, minutes, and reports, which shall be promptly reduced to writing, and a copy forwarded to each member of the Commission.
(Ord. 119, passed 8-3-1987)
The Planning Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the City Council, and shall have the powers and duties given such agencies generally by M.S. §§ 462.351 through 462.365, as they are amended from time to time. It shall also exercise the duties conferred upon it by this subchapter, the duties conferred upon by the ordinances of the city pertaining thereto, and the duties conferred by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 119, passed 8-3-1987)