   The Street Superintendent will determine when snow will be removed by truck from the area. The city will attempt to remove snow in the downtown areas, areas where there is no room on the boulevard for snow storage, and in areas where accumulated piles of snow create a hazardous condition. Snow removal operations will generally not commence until other snowplowing operations have been completed. Snow removal operations may also be delayed depending on weather conditions, personnel, and budget availability. The removed snow will be hauled to a snow storage area. The city will attempt to haul the removed snow to a snow storage area with minimal resulting environmental problems.
(Ord. 280, passed 1-8-2019)
§ 70.44 PRIORITY.
   (A)   The city will attempt to plow city streets based on the street function, traffic volume, and importance to the welfare of the community, with the following order of priority:
      (1)   High-volume streets and roads which provide access for emergency fire, police, and medical services;
      (2)   Streets providing access to schools and commercial businesses;
      (3)   Streets in low-volume residential areas; and
      (4)   Alleys and city parking lots.
   (B)   During significant and severe storms, the city must be prepared to move personnel and equipment to maintain priority routes first. In fulfilling the need to have all priority streets safe and passable, when resources are limited, plowing of all other streets may be stopped at any time so resources can be shifted to priority routes.
   (C)   Unforeseeable circumstances may cause delays in completing assigned plow routes. The circumstances may include weather conditions that endanger the safety of snowplow operators and/or safe and effective operation of equipment, commuter traffic, disabled vehicles, poor visibility conditions, parked cars along streets, assistance to emergency response vehicles, equipment breakdown, and personnel shortages.
(Ord. 280, passed 1-8-2019)
   Snowplow operators will be expected to work their assigned shifts. In severe snow emergencies, operators sometimes have to work longer shifts, but will be paid overtime for hours in excess of 40 hours per week. However, because of budget and safety concerns, no operator shall work more than a 12-hour shift in any 24-hour period. While work breaks are not guaranteed, general operators will take breaks in accordance with city policy, provided the breaks do not interfere with city services or operations. In addition, operators will be allowed sufficient time to eat a meal during any shift which is eight or more hours. After a 12-hour shift, the operators will be replaced if additional qualified personnel are available.
(Ord. 280, passed 1-8-2019)
   The city recognizes that snowplow operators are exempt from traffic regulations set forth in M.S. Chapter 169, as it may be amended from time to time, while actually engaged in work on streets, except for regulations related to driving while impaired and the safety of school children. Pursuant to this section, snowplow operators engaged in snow removal or ice control on city streets have discretion to disregard traffic laws set forth in M.S. Chapter 169, as it may be amended from time to time, except for laws relating to impaired driving and school children safety, when, in their judgment, it is safe to disregard the laws. The privileges granted herein to operators of snow removal and ice control vehicles shall apply only if the vehicle is equipped with one lighted lamp displaying a flashing, oscillating, or rotating amber light placed in the a position on the vehicle as to be visible throughout an arc of 360 degrees.
(Ord. 280, passed 1-8-2019)
   The city shall attempt to conduct snow and ice control operations only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of city employees and equipment. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include severe cold, significant winds, and limited visibility.
(Ord. 280, passed 1-8-2019)
   The city will attempt to use sand, salt, and other chemicals when there are hazardous ice or slippery conditions. The city is concerned about the effect of the chemicals on the environment, and will limit its use for that reason.
(Ord. 280, passed 1-8-2019)