It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to sell fireworks of any description whatsoever, except permissible fireworks annually listed and promulgated by the State Fire Marshal may be sold at retail at all times; provided that, all other fireworks named may be sold only between June 25 and July 5; provided that, fireworks of any description are permissible for purposes of public exhibitions or displays as authorized by the governing body; and, further provided that, said vendor shall secure a license prior to such sales. Application shall be filed with the Village Clerk upon forms supplied by the municipality and requesting such information and documents as the governing body may deem necessary as to whether or not to grant said license. Any license so issued may be revoked at any time by the governing body upon proper notice and hearing if one is requested by the licensee.
(Prior Code, § 10-603) (Ord. 2020-03, passed 12-9-2020) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-137, 28-1241 through 28-1252
(A) No person under 19 years of age shall play or participate in any way in the lottery established and conducted by the municipality.
(B) No owner or officer of a lottery operator with whom the municipality contracts to conduct its lottery shall play the lottery conducted by the municipality. No owner or officer of an authorized sales outlet location for the municipality shall play in the lottery conducted by the municipality. No employee or agent of the municipality, lottery operator or authorized sales outlet location shall play the lottery of the municipality for which he or she performs work during such time as he or she is actually working at such lottery or while on duty.
(C) Nothing shall prohibit any member of the governing body, a municipal official or the immediate family of such member or official from playing the lottery conducted by the municipality as long as such person is 19 years of age or older.
(D) No person, or employee or agent of any person or the municipality, shall knowingly permit an individual under 19 years of age to play or participate in any way in the lottery conducted by the municipality.
(1) A person who is related to the member or official by blood, marriage or adoption and resides in the same household; or
(2) A person who is claimed by the member or official, or the spouse of the member or official, as a dependent for federal income tax purposes.
(Prior Code, § 10-1001) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 9-646