   72.01   Bicycles
   72.02   Motorcycles
   72.03   Minibikes
   72.04   Snowmobiles
   72.05   Mopeds
   72.06   All-terrain vehicles
§ 72.01  BICYCLES.
   (A)   Operation.
      (1)   No person shall ride or propel a bicycle on a street or other public highway of the municipality with another person on the handlebars or in any position in front of the operator.
      (2)   No bicycles shall be ridden faster than is reasonable and proper, but every bicycle shall be operated with reasonable regard to the safety of the operator and any other persons upon the streets and public highways.
      (3)   Persons riding bicycles shall observe all traffic signs and stop at all stop signs.
      (4)   No bicycle shall be permitted on any street or other public highway from one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise without a headlight visible under normal atmospheric conditions from the front thereof for not less than 500 feet indicating the approach or presence of the bicycle, firmly attached to such bicycle and properly lighted or without a yellow or red light reflector attached to and visible 500 feet from the rear thereof. The said headlight shall give a clear, white light.
      (5)   No person shall ride or propel a bicycle upon any street or other public highway abreast of more than one other person riding or propelling a bicycle.
      (6)   Any bicycle used on a highway shall be equipped with a brake or brakes which will enable the operator to stop the bicycle within 25 feet of the point of braking when moving at a speed of ten mph on dry, level, clean pavement.
      (7)   Every person riding or propelling a bicycle upon any street or other public highway shall observe all traffic rules and regulations applicable thereto and shall turn only at intersections, signal for all turns, ride at the right-hand side of the street or highway, pass to the left when passing overtaken vehicles and individuals that are slower moving and shall pass vehicles to the right when meeting.
(Prior Code, § 5-401)
   (B)   Clinging to motor vehicles. No person riding upon any bicycle or roller skates shall attach the same or himself or herself to any moving vehicle upon any roadway and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to suffer or permit any person traveling upon any bicycle or roller skates to cling to or attach himself or herself or his or her bicycle or roller skates to such vehicle so driven and operated by him or her.
(Prior Code, § 5-402)
   (C)   Rules of the road; applicability.
      (1)   Any person who operates a bicycle upon a highway shall have all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle under the Nebraska Rules of the Road, except for special bicycle regulations in the rules, except for those provisions of the rules which, by their nature, can have no application; and, except that, bicycles may be operated on paved shoulders of highways included in the state highway system other than state segments of the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, as provided in Neb. RS 60-6,142.
      (2)   Regulations applicable to bicycles shall apply whenever a bicycle is operated upon any highway or upon any path set aside by the Department of Roads or a local authority for the exclusive use of bicycles.
(Prior Code, § 5-403)
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 60-611, 60-6,138, 60-6,314, 60-6,315, 60-6,316, 60-6,317
   (A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      MOTORCYCLE. Every motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, but excluding a tractor.
      MOTOR-DRIVEN CYCLE. Every motorcycle, including every motor scooter, with a motor which produces not to exceed five brake horsepower as measured at the drive shaft.
(Prior Code, § 5-501)
   (B)   Lights. No person shall ride a motorcycle upon the streets, alleys or highways from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise unless the same shall be equipped with at least one and not more than headlights plainly visible from the front and with a taillight exhibiting a red light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the rear of such motorcycle; provided, said lamps shall comply with the requirements and limitations of the statutes of the state.
(Prior Code, § 5-502)
   (C)   Protective helmets required. A person shall not operate or be a passenger on a motorcycle on any highway in the state unless such person is wearing a protective helmet of the type and design manufactured for use by operators of such vehicles and unless such helmet is secured properly on his or her head with a chin strap while the vehicle is in motion. All such protective helmets shall be designed to reduce injuries to the user resulting from head impacts and shall be designed to protect the use by remaining on the user’s head, deflecting blows, resisting penetration and spreading the force of impact. Each such helmet shall consist of lining, padding and chin strap and shall meet or exceed the standards established in the United States Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 218, 49 C.F.R. § 571.218, for motorcycle helmets.
(Prior Code, § 5-503)
   (D)   Rules of the Road; applicability. Any person who operates a motorcycle shall have all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under the Nebraska Rules of the Road, except for special motorcycle regulations in the rules, except for those provisions of the rules which, by their nature, can have no application.
(Prior Code, § 5-504)
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 60-639, 60-640, 60-6,219, 60-6,278 through 60-6,282, 60-6,306
§ 72.03  MINIBIKES.
   (A)   Unlawful operation. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a minibike upon any street or highway within the corporate limits of the municipality. For purposes of this section, MINIBIKE shall mean a two-wheeled motor vehicle which has a total wheel and tire diameter of less than 14 inches or an engine rated capacity of less than 45 cubic centimeters displacement or any other two wheel motor vehicle primarily designed by the manufacturer for off-road use only.
(Prior Code, § 5-601)
   (B)   Emergencies and parades. Minibikes shall be exempt from the provisions of this section during any public emergency or while being used in parades by regularly organized units of any recognized charitable, social, educational or community service organization.
(Prior Code, § 5-602)
   (C)   Public lands. Minibikes shall be prohibited upon the public lands owned by the municipality, except where allowed by resolution of the governing body.
(Prior Code, § 5-603)
   (D)   Traffic laws inapplicable. The provisions of Neb. RS Ch. 60, Arts. 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the state statutes shall not be applicable to the owners and operators of any minibike.
(Prior Code, § 5-604)
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 60-636, 60-678, 60-6,347, 60-6,348, 60-6,352, 60-6,353
   (A)   Equipment.
      (1)   Every snowmobile operated within the municipality shall be registered with the state, as required by law. No snowmobile shall be operated upon a public street or highway unless it is equipped with at least one head lamp, one tail lamp, reflector material of a minimum area of 16 square inches mounted on each side forward of the handlebars and with brakes as prescribed by the Director of Motor Vehicles.
      (2)   All laws applying to the operation of other motor vehicles shall apply to snowmobiles, except those relating to required equipment and those which, by their nature, have no application.
(Prior Code, § 5-701)
   (B)   Unlawful acts. It shall be deemed a misdemeanor for any person to allow a snowmobile either owned or operated by him or her to be operated:
      (1)   Within the congested area of the municipality unless weather conditions are such that it provides the only practicable method of safe vehicular travel or said snowmobile is engaged in responding to an emergency;
      (2)   At a rate of speed greater than reasonable or proper under the surrounding circumstances;
      (3)   In a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger persons or property;
      (4)   Without a lighted headlight and tail light when such would be required by conditions;
      (5)   In any tree nursery or planting in a manner which damages or destroys growing stock; and
      (6)   Upon any private lands without first having obtained permission of the owner, lessee or operator of such lands.
(Prior Code, § 5-702)
   (C)   Public lands. Snowmobiles shall be prohibited from operation on the public lands owned by the municipality, except where allowed by resolution of the governing body.
(Prior Code, § 5-703)
   (D)   Regulations. A snowmobile may make a direct crossing of a street at any hour of the day if:
      (1)   Crossing is made at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to the direction of the street and at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe crossing;
      (2)   The snowmobile is brought to a complete stop before crossing the main traveled way of the street;
      (3)   The driver yields the right-of-way to all on-coming traffic which constitutes an immediate hazard; and
      (4)   If said crossing is made between the hours of one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise under the circumstances set forth in division (E) below or during conditions of reduced visibility, said snowmobile shall be equipped with at least one tail lamp and both front and rear lights shall be on.
(Prior Code, § 5-704)
   (E)   Emergency operation. A snowmobile may be operated upon a public street or highway other than as provided herein in an emergency during a period of time when and at locations where snow upon the roadway renders travel by automobile impractical.
(Prior Code, § 5-705)
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 60-663, 60-6,335, 60-6,337, 60-6,338, 60-6,344