   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to park upon any street, alley or public place within the municipality any vehicle displayed for sale.
   (B)   No person shall adjust or repair any automobile or motorcycle or race the motor of same while standing on the public streets or alleys of the municipality, excepting in case of breakdown or other emergency requiring same.
   (C)   No person or employee connected with a garage or repair shop shall use sidewalks, streets or alleys in the vicinity of such garage or shop for the purpose of working on automobiles or vehicles of any description.
(Prior Code, § 5-307)  Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 60-680
   It shall be unlawful to park or place on the streets, alleys or other public property any motor vehicle without first securing a current license as provided by law.
(Prior Code, § 5-317)  Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 60-3,100
§ 71.07  TIME LIMIT.
   (A)   The governing body may, by resolution, entirely prohibit or fix a time limit for the parking and stopping of vehicles on any street, streets or district designated by such resolution and the parking or stopping of any vehicle in any such street, streets or district for a period of time longer than fixed in such resolution shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 5-318)
   (B)   The parking of a motor vehicle on a public street for over 48 consecutive hours is unlawful, except where a different maximum time limit is posted.
(Prior Code, § 5-319)
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 60-680
   The Utilities Superintendent may order any street or alley or portion thereof vacated for weather emergencies or street maintenance. Notice shall be given by personally notifying the owner or operator of a vehicle parked on such street or alley or by posting appropriate signs along such streets or alleys. Such signs shall be posted not less than four hours prior to the time that the vacation order is to be effective. Any person parking a vehicle in violation of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided in this code and such vehicle may be removed and parked under the supervision of the Utilities Superintendent, to a suitable nearby location without further notice to the owner or operator of such vehicle.
(Prior Code, § 5-320)  Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-557
   No vehicle shall be parked in any alley, except for the purpose of loading or unloading during the time necessary to load or unload which shall not exceed the maximum limit of one-half hour. Every vehicle, while loading or unloading in any alley, shall be parked in such manner as will cause the least obstruction possible to traffic in such alley.
(Prior Code, § 5-321)  Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 60-680