No exterior lighting, including support structures shall be created or modified without first securing the necessary city approvals and permits as provided hereunder, except in instances when exempt from these Regulations in accordance with Section 1.D. above. The following processes and permits are intended to ensure that site lighting complies with the standards of this article:
A. Private Property and Public Lands. The property owner or agent shall file the following applications prior to commencement of any of the aforementioned improvements:
1. Site Plan Review. For any new or modified exterior lighting structures or changes to any component of the light fixture that would increase or decrease illumination, the site plan review process shall be required and reviewed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2.F. prior to the issuance of any land development permit. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "site plan" is construed to include master site plan and technical site plan applications. The Director of Planning and Zoning or designee may require the submittal of a photometric plan as part of the site plan application to ensure compliance with the standards of this article.
2. Land Development Permit. The land development permit process shall be required, and initiated only subsequent to the approval of a site plan application, except in those instances when site plan review is not required. The land development permit shall be processed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 2, Article III, Section 3. The City Engineer or designee may require the submittal of a photometric plan as part of the land development permit application to ensure compliance with the standards of this article. The issuance of a land development permit shall not relieve any party from obtaining the necessary permits which may be required by the federal, state, or local government agencies.
B. City Right-of-Way Permit. No person shall begin to construct, reconstruct, repair, alter, grade in, or upon any area within city rights-of-way without first obtaining a permit as provided in Chapter 2, Article III, Section 4.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10)
A. General. All exterior lighting shall be designed and installed in compliance with the "Heat, Humidity, and Glare" provision of the Operational Performance Standards of Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 1.
B. Public Rights-of-way. Street lighting shall be placed on all public and private rights-of-way in compliance with the most recent addition of the Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards for Landscaping, Irrigation, and Lighting (or Volume II).
Where street lighting is installed, it shall be installed on all local and collector streets, at each intersection, at the end of cul-de-sacs, and wherever, in the opinion of the City Engineer, a dangerous traffic/pedestrian condition exists. Between intersections, street-lights may be engineered for security purposes only as recommended by the Chief of Police. Streetlights shall be wired for underground service except where aerial service is permitted by Chapter 4, Article VIII, Section 3.B.
C. Off-Street Parking Lots. A minimum average light level of one (1) footcandle shall be provided, with no more than ten percent (10%) of the spot readings below one (1) footcandle and none below one-half (½) footcandle. Lighting fixtures shall be energy efficient and automatically controlled by a photoelectric switch or other device acceptable to the City Engineer and are to remain on from dusk to one (1) hour after closing or 2:00 a.m., whichever is later. However, the exterior lighting of off-street parking areas and other vehicular use areas within parks and other types of recreation facilities may be shut off at an earlier time as determined by the Director of Recreation and Parks or designee based upon the characteristics (e.g. type, location, hours of operation, etc.) of such park or facility.
A photometric plan shall contain lighting levels in accordance with the standards of this section and Section 4 below. Light fixtures must be baffled, shielded, screened, or recessed to prevent visibility of the lit portion of the fixture from off the premises. In addition, light fixtures shall be strategically located to avoid future conflicts with mature tree canopies (see Chapter 4, Article II, Section 3.A.12.).
D. Pedestrian Lighting. Walkways connecting parking lots to buildings or walkways between buildings shall be lit in such a manner as to provide a safe environment.
E. Under Canopies. Light fixtures under canopies for banks, gas stations, and similar establishments must be baffled, screened, and recessed to prevent visibility of the lit portion of the fixture from off the premises.
F. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). See Chapter 4, Article III, Section 5.B. for additional regulations regarding lighting and CPTED guidelines.
G. Docks and Piers. See City Code of Ordinances Part II, Chapter 9, Article II for additional regulations regarding lighting on docks and piers.
H. Signs. See Chapter 4, Article IV, Section 4.A.10.c. for additional standards regarding lighting levels and signage.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10)
A. General.
1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this section is to promote harmony with nature and a pleasant and comprehensible cohesiveness among development within the city. Through enforcement of the community design, the local elected officials shall determine the basic aesthetic character to be achieved in the development of the community.
2. Administration. The Director of Planning and Zoning shall coordinate, interpret, and administer this section.
3. Relief from Standards. Any deviation or variation from the regulations of this section requires the approval of a community design appeal (CDPA) in accordance with Chapter 2, Article II, Section 4.B.
B. Buildings and Structures. The following regulations shall apply to all new development and redevelopment:
1. Generally.
a. Lighting fixture height, style, design and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design and height and shall consider safety, function and aesthetic value;
b. Lighting of the exterior, parking areas, and watercraft docking facilities shall be of the lowest intensity and energy use adequate for its purpose, and shall not create conditions of glare that extend onto abutting properties;
c. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged;
d. Lighting may be used to illuminate a building and its grounds for safety purposes and to enhance its beauty. However, the visual effect shall be subtle;
e. Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day; and
f. Lighting attached to the form of the exterior of the building or part of the building exterior or visible from the exterior of the building shall not be permitted if it is contrary to the architectural style of the building.
C. Maximum Footcandle and Illumination Levels. Permanent off-street lighting levels for all multiple-family residential and non-residential uses shall not exceed five and nine-tenths (5.9) footcandles for any spot location reading, excluding those areas where higher lighting levels are required for automated teller machines (ATM) or as identified in crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED).
D. Pole (Total Overall) Heights in Relation to Building Height. It is the intent of this subsection to regulate the maximum allowable height of outdoor free-standing lighting poles in order to encourage compatibility between said poles and heights of principal buildings on-site and on adjacent properties.
The maximum height for all outdoor free-standing lighting poles of a project or development shall not exceed the average roofline of a one (1)-story structure. In no instance shall an outdoor free-standing lighting pole exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height unless the height limitation is found to be incompatible with guidelines and/or recommendations of an adopted redevelopment plan or other public works project.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10; Am. Ord. 13-020, passed 7-2-13)
The following types of outdoor lighting are prohibited:
A. Spillage. Any light that illuminates any vertical or horizontal surface on adjacent property or rights-of-way at a level greater than 0.3 footcandles.
B. Unauthorized Traffic Lighting. Any light that resembles an authorized traffic sign, signal, or device, or that interferes with, misleads, or confuses vehicular traffic as determined by the City Engineer.
C. Beacon or Searchlights. No beacon or searchlights shall be permitted.
D. Drop Lens Fixtures. Any drop lens fixtures.
E. Neon Tubing, Bare Bulbs, and Miniature Lighting. Neon tubing, bare bulbs, miniature lights, and similar technologies shall not be used to illuminate or outline building façades, storefronts, door openings, windows, or within window displays. See Chapter 4, Article IV, Section 3.L.6. for the prohibition of such material when used in signage and designed in an unshielded manner.
F. Awnings. No awnings, valances, or support structures shall be internally-illuminated or backlit pursuant to Chapter 4, Article III, Section 3.E.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10; Am. Ord. 12-016, passed 10-2-12)
The city or any other legal authority shall enforce any violation of this article pursuant to the penalty provisions contained in Chapter 1, Article I, Section 7 of these Land Development Regulations.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10)