Sec. 4.   Community Design.
   A.   General.
      1.   Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this section is to promote harmony with nature and a pleasant and comprehensible cohesiveness among development within the city. Through enforcement of the community design, the local elected officials shall determine the basic aesthetic character to be achieved in the development of the community.
      2.   Administration. The Director of Planning and Zoning shall have the authority to coordinate, interpret, and administer this section.
      3.   Relief from Standards. Any deviation or variation from the regulations of this section requires the approval of a community design appeal (CDPA) in accordance with Chapter 2, Article II, Section 4.B.
   B.   Off-Street Loading. Off-street loading areas shall be designed in such a manner as to screen parked vehicles from view at ground level. In no instance shall a loading space front along a public right-of-way. These facilities shall be adequately screened from residential districts.
   Unloading and loading areas shall be screened from streets and public view by a buffer wall or continuous vegetative buffer in accordance with Chapter 4, Article II, Section 6.E.
   C.   Dumpsters and Trash Receptacles. All dumpsters, recycling receptacles, lift stations and the like shall be screened from public view with a minimum six (6) foot high stuccoed masonry wall. The gates of the enclosure shall be screened to obscure a view into the interior of the enclosure. The walls of the enclosure shall be painted to match the color(s) of the principal structures on-site and have landscape material planted in accordance with Chapter 4, Article II, Section 6.G.
   Within the infill planned unit development (IPUD) and all "mixed use urban" districts, dumpsters or trash containers shall not be located within setbacks abutting single-family residential developments.
   D.   Off-Street Parking Areas and Parking Garages. Public or private off-street surface parking lots, understory parking, and all types of parking garages shall comply with this section, the Florida Building Code, and with county-wide amendments thereto. Where appropriate, security systems may be required.
      1.   On-Site Parking. Required parking spaces for all residential uses shall be located on the same lot or development as the dwelling to be served. Parking spaces for non-residential uses may be located off-site but only in accordance with Section 9.D.2. below. See Chapter 4, Article III, Sections 6 and 7 for additional community design standards pertaining to off-street parking.
      2.   Off-Site Parking. For all non-residential uses, required parking spaces may be located off-site, provided that they are located on property owned by the use in which to serve.
         a.   Method of Measurement. The distance requirement shall be a straight line measurement from a point on a boundary line of the property which is the subject of the application, to the closest boundary line of the property on which the leased parking located. The property, which is the subject of the application, shall be posted with signage indicating to patrons the location of the leased parking.
         b.   Maximum Distance.
            (1)   Within all "urban mixed use" districts, the CBD district, and the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Overlay Zone, parking spaces may be located off-site but in no case, shall they be further than one thousand (1,000) feet from the use in which to serve.
            (2)    Within all other non-residential districts, required parking spaces shall be located within three hundred (300) feet of the use in which to serve.
         c.   Lease Arrangements. Within the areas defined in the adaptive re-use section of the Code (Chapter 4, Article V, Section 4), required parking spaces may be leased within three hundred (300) feet of the use in which they serve, subject to Board and City Commission approval, and the property shall be posted with signage indicating to patrons the location of the leased parking.
      3.   Interconnectivity. In order to increase the efficiency of parking provision and vehicle circulation, parking facilities shall be interconnected wherever possible. All sites, including parking facilities, drive aisles, and pedestrian sidewalks shall wherever feasible, be designed for future connection to an adjoining parcel where an existing connection cannot be established.
      4.   Required Off-Street Parking Calculations, By Use. Parking calculation requirements for all uses shall be as set forth by Chapter 4, Article V, Section 2.
      5.   Shared Parking. Parking space requirements of two (2) or more uses of the same or different types may be satisfied by the allocation of the requirement number of spaces for each use in a common parking facility. Joint allocation among several uses of a lesser number of parking spaces may be permitted in accordance with Chapter 4, Article V, Section 3.C.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10; Am. Ord. 12-016, passed 10-2-12; Am. Ord. 13-013, passed 6-4-13)