Sec. 2.   Standards.
   A.   General.
      1.   Rules and Methodology.
         a.   Parking space requirements shall be computed on the basis of the principal use of a structure or lot, and using gross floor area unless stated otherwise in the Land Development Regulations. Gross floor area, for the purposes of this subsection, shall include the floor area occupied by the principal use, plus the floor area occupied by all other enclosed spaces, including but not limited to storage rooms, maintenance and mechanical rooms, offices, lounges, restrooms, lobbies, basements, mezzanines, and hallways.
         b.   Where several principal uses exist in one (1) structure or on one (1) lot, parking space requirements shall be computed separately for each principal use, unless stated otherwise in this article. Where parking spaces are required in this article for each of several principal uses that commonly occur together, this is done for the purpose of clarification only, and shall not limit the application of the requirement contained in this paragraph.
         c.   A use shall be considered a principal use, for the purposes of this subsection, if it could exist separately from all other uses in the same structure or on the same lot, and would by itself generate significant parking demand.
         d.   Where several principal uses exist in one (1) building or part of a building, and the floor area of each principal use cannot be clearly delineated, the parking space requirement for the use requiring the greatest number of parking spaces shall apply.
         e.   Where a use is not listed below, parking space requirements shall be determined by the City Commission after review and recommendation by the Director of Planning and Zoning or designee.
         f.   Where the number of required parking spaces as computed includes a fraction, the number of required parking spaces shall be the computed number rounded to the next highest whole number.
         g.   Except as provided in Section 3.E. below, there shall be provided, at the time of the erection of any structure or establishment of any use, a number of off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following minimum requirements, and subject to the parking requirements of this subsection. Where a structure or use is enlarged or increased in capacity by any means, including a change in building occupancy which requires the provision of additional parking spaces, or a change in use to or which requires additional parking spaces, the minimum number of parking spaces shall be computed by applying these requirements to the entire structure or use.
      2.   Minimum Number of Required Off-Street Spaces for Non-Residential Uses. No fewer than four (4) parking spaces shall be provided for any non-residential use.
      3.   Location of Off-Street Parking Areas.
         a.   Residential. Required parking spaces for all dwellings shall be located on the same lot as the dwelling to be served.
         b.   Non-residential. Required parking spaces for all non-residential uses shall be owned by the owner of the building or lot to be served, and shall be located on the same lot, or not more than three hundred (300) feet distance, unless the property is located within those areas defined within the adaptive re-use section of the Code (Chapter 4, Article 5, Section 4). In those areas, required parking spaces may be leased within three hundred (300) feet of the use in which they serve, subject to Board and City Commission approval, and the property shall be posted with signage indicating to patrons the location of the leased parking.
      4.   Driveways and other impervious surfaces within front or side yards of single- and two-family dwelling units.
         a.   Applicability. The requirements of this section are applicable to new construction projects, modifications that increase air-conditioned living space and/or number of bedrooms, and requests for a Certificate of Use.
         b.   Driveways shall be constructed of concrete, asphalt, or other hard-surface as approved by the City Engineer. Where possible, design and construction should maximize the reflective properties and minimize the heat island effect of such improvements. Also where possible, tandem parking design, defined as the arrangement of two parking spaces placed one behind the other, is encouraged to minimize impervious surface area and maximize the environmental design of the project.
         c.   Such surfaces shall not exceed 40% of the minimum front yard area.
      5.   Tandem parking for multi-family developments. Tandem parking spaces may be counted as meeting the parking requirements in multi-family developments only in such instances where the tandem spaces are assigned to the same dwelling unit. The number and location of the tandem parking spaces are subject to review and approval of the Planning and Zoning Director.
   B.   Table 4-17. Residential and Lodging Uses.
Residential and Lodging Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces
Building area size is based upon gross floor area (in square feet) unless specifically expressed otherwise.
Single-family, duplex dwelling, or mobile home:
x1, 2
Efficiency or one (1)-bedroom apartment:
1.52, 3
   Within Mixed Use Core district:
Two (2) or more bedroom apartment:
22, 3
   Within Mixed Use Core district:
1.662, 3
1 per unit
Hotel & motel suite:
1.25 per unit6
   Within Mixed Use Core district:
1 per unit
Group home (types 1 and 2):
21, 2
Group home (type 3)
1 per 3 beds
Bed & breakfast:
12, 4
Live/work unit:
1 per 2 units5
1   A.   For construction of a new single-family or two-family structure, a minimum of two (2) spaces are required per unit, or one (1) space per bedroom, whichever is greatest. An exception may be made when the house is constructed for individuals meeting purchase or eligibility requirements that include maximum income thresholds, then a maximum of two (2) parking spaces shall be required per dwelling unit. For those structures with five (5) or more bedrooms, the required parking greater than four (4) spaces would be noted on the permit drawings, labeled as a future parking space and sited and designed to conform to City standards. This provision would establish how the additional space(s) can be accommodated if needed in the future, to prevent overflow of vehicles onto the lawn areas or the public right-of-way.
   B.   For expansions to existing single-family or two-family structures that increase the number of bedrooms, only the new bedrooms are required to provide additional parking in compliance with footnote 1.A. above. At a minimum, no less than two (2) parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
   C.   For single-family or two-family structures that require a change in use or occupancy, and/or a certificate of use and business tax receipt, a minimum of two (2) spaces are required per unit, or one (1) space per bedroom, whichever is greatest.
   D.   For new single-family subdivisions or planned developments with attached or detached single-family dwellings, a detailed justification may be submitted for review during the development review process requesting exemption from these regulations, which demonstrate, through recognized professional parking studies or parking analyses of similar projects constructed by the developer or other similar projects constructed within the City, that a lesser parking requirement is warranted.
2   Residential driveways can be used to satisfy, or partially satisfy the parking space requirements for single-family detached dwelling units, duplexes, and multi-family dwelling units containing garages, provided such driveways are of sufficient size to meet the parking space requirements of this subsection. A residential driveway of sufficient size shall be provided prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. If garages are used towards meeting minimum parking requirements, said garages shall remain open and available for vehicle parking consistent with the design represented at time of approval. For all required parking spaces not located within an enclosed garage, the first parking space shall be the minimum size required for a handicap space, exclusive of public or private rights-of-way, and all other required spaces must be dimensioned in accordance with current city standards. All driveways shall be setback at least two (2) feet from interior side and corner side property lines, and maintained and drained so as to prevent nuisance conditions or a danger to the public and/or adjacent property owners. Any expansion to an existing driveway shall require a zoning permit from the Planning and Zoning Division in accordance with the procedures specified in Chapter 2, Article II, Section 5.B.; however, any driveway expansion (or similar impervious surface) that is equal to or greater than eight hundred (800) square feet shall require the approval of a land development permit in accordance with Chapter 2, Article III, Section 3. Any work, such as a driveway, proposed within the swale (right-of-way) shall require a permit from the Engineering Division in accordance with the procedures specified in Chapter 2, Article III, Section 4.
3   Guest parking shall be provided at a rate of 0.15 spaces per unit for residential developments consisting of three (3) or more dwelling units.
4   Required parking shall be calculated on the basis of one (1) space per each employee, manager, or owner and one (1) parking space for each guest unit. Newly created parking may be located only in the rear and side yard.
5   In addition to the required parking for the residential unit, the city requires that one (1) parking space per two (2) live/work units be provided to meet business activity needs. Parking provided to meet this requirement shall be located on the lot, built into or under the structure, or within three hundred (300) feet of the unit in which the use is located. The distance shall be a straight line measurement from a point on the boundary line of the property of the subject unit to the closest boundary line of the property on which the parking is located. Parking provided to accommodate said space, including driveways of adequate depth in front of the unit's garage, shall not serve as meeting required parking for the unit's residential use.
6   Hotel/motel uses open to the general public, such as a restaurant or lounge, shall provide parking at a rate of fifty percent (50%) of the requirement of a standalone operation.
   C.   Table 4-18. Commercial and Office & Health Care Uses. Where a use is located in a shopping center, office building, or office-retail complex, the parking space requirement for the shopping center, office building, or office-retail complex in which it is located shall apply; except that where a theater is located in a shopping center the parking space requirement for theaters shall apply for the seating or gross floor area of the theater (see "theater" in Section 3. D. below).
Commercial and Office & Health Care Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces Per Square Feet (Unless Expressed Otherwise)
Commercial and Office & Health Care Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces Per Square Feet (Unless Expressed Otherwise)
Building area is based upon gross floor area (in square feet) unless specifically expressed otherwise.
Any non-residential use (minimum):
4 or 1 per 200, whichever is greater1
Shopping center:
1 per 200
Office-retail complex:
1 per 200
1 per 2.5 seats - no less than 1 per 1002
1 per 2.5 seats - no less than 1 per 1002
Restaurant, take out11:
1 per 300
Bar & night club:
1 per 2.5 seats - no less than 1 per 100
1 per 2.5 seats - no less than 1 per 100
Micro-brewery, micro-winery, micro-distillery:
1 per 500 of manufacturing area and 1 per 2.5 seats (no less than 1 per 100) for remaining gross square footage
Gasoline station:
1 per 2503
Grocery store:
1 per 200
Auto car wash (polishing, waxing, detailing)
   Automated (no employees):
4 per tunnel4
Auto car wash, self-service bay:
2 per bay
Auto/motorcycle/truck, trailer, rec. vehicle sales/rental:
1 per 5005
Automotive, repair major and minor
1 per 2507
Automotive, repair (paint and body shops only):
1 per 3008
Banquet Hall
1 per 100 of the gathering area(s)
Boat dealer/rental:
1 per 5006
Coin-operated laundry or dry cleaner:
1 per 250
Copying, printing, or sign design:
1 per 300
Funeral home:
1 per 200
Pet care:
1 per 300
Bank and financial office:
1 per 250
Medical or dental office, imaging/testing:
1 per 200
Photography studio:
1 per 300
Personal care (beauty, hair, and nails):
1 per 100
Furniture and home furnishings:
1 per 500
1 per 2.5 beds
Taxi, limousine, and charter bus:
1 per 300
Nursery, garden, and farm supply:
1 per 2,000 of outdoor nursery area9
Travel agency:
1 per 300
Showroom warehouse (single-product line)
1 per 50010
Business/professional office not listed within this subsection:
1 per 300
Establishments not listed elsewhere within this subsection:
1 per 200
1   Non-residential: For the non-residential components of a mixed use project, parking shall be calculated at a minimum of one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
2   Indoor child play areas shall be excluded for this purpose if such areas are designed/delineated separate from dining areas and if twenty percent (20%) or less than the gross floor area of the restaurant. No additional parking spaces are required for outdoor seats provided that the number of outdoor seats is twenty percent (20%) or less than the total number of indoor seats. Additional parking spaces shall be required for outdoor seats in excess of this threshold.
3   The required queuing distance at pump islands shall be in accordance with Chapter 4, Article VI, Section 3. F. Gasoline station establishments that contain " automotive, minor repair" shall provide for additional parking spaces ( see "automotive, minor repair").
4   Plus one (1) space per seventy-five (75) square feet of detail, washing, and waxing areas.
5   Plus required parking spaces for outdoor storage or display of vehicles for sale or for rent.
6   Plus one (1) space per ten thousand (10,000) square feet of paved or unpaved outdoor area used for the storage or display of boats for sale or for rent.
7   One (1) space per two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area devoted to office, display of merchandise, and waiting area. In addition, three (3) parking spaces are required for each service bay. The space within a service bay may be counted towards satisfaction of the required parking. However, in no case shall less than four (4) outside parking spaces be provided.
8   In addition, each overhead door and interior spray booth may be counted towards satisfaction of the required parking, provided there is the minimum area (the size of a standard parking space) between an overhead door and an interior spray booth. However, in no case shall less than four (4) outside parking spaces be provided.
9   Plus required parking for any retail floor area.
10   One (1) space per 500 square feet for first 10,000 square feet, then one (1) space per one thousand (1,000) square feet thereafter.
11   Take-out restaurants located in M-1 shall be one (1) space per three hundred fifty (350) square feet of gross floor area.
   D.   Table 4-19. Arts, Entertainment, and Recreational Uses.
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreational Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreational Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces
Building area size is based upon gross floor area (in square feet) unless specifically expressed otherwise.
Any non-residential use (minimum):
4 or 1 per 200, whichever is greater1
Swimming pool:
1 per 50 (water area)
Ice and roller skating rink:
1 per 100 (rink area)2
Indoor athletic court:
1 per 1,800 (court/adjoining paved area)
Outdoor athletic court:
1 per 1,500 (court/adjoining paved area)
Golf course:
8 per hole
Miniature golf course:
1.5 per hole
Bowling alley:
1 per 2502
Gym, fitness, and health club:
1 per 3002
Martial arts, gymnastics, and dance studio:
1 per 200
Arcades, pool halls, and other indoor amusement places:
1 per 1002
Marina, including yacht club:
1 per boat slip3
Marina without commercial vessels
1 per 5 wet or dry storage slips, and 1 per 500 of boat sales showroom
1 per 300
Shooting range, indoor
1 per 250
Sightseeing & scenic tours:
1 per 3 seats4
Rentals, recreational (bicycles, canoes, personal watercraft):
1 per 200
Residential recreational/amenity area:
Theaters, auditoriums, meeting rooms, and other places of assembly:
1 per 4 seats6
Establishments not listed elsewhere within this subsection:
1 per 200
1   Non-residential: For the non-residential components of a mixed use project, parking shall be calculated at a minimum of one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
2   Parking space requirements may be computed separately for floor area occupied by other uses (i.e. athletic courts, swimming pools, restaurants, bar, amusement arcade, pool halls, or other principal uses for which parking space requirements are listed in these Regulations).
3   Plus required parking spaces for any other principal uses, including hotels and motels, restaurants, retail floor area, charter boats, sightseeing boats, drift fishing boats, and outdoor lots occupied by boats for sale or for rent.
4   One (1) space per three (3) seats on each boat/vehicle but not fewer than two (2) parking spaces per boat/vehicle.
5   A mix of five (5) parking spaces, plus one (1) additional space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area of office use for leasing or management purposes located in recreation buildings or separate structures (handicapped spaces should be pursuant to ADA requirements). A greater or lesser number of parking spaces may be imposed or allowed by the Director of Planning and Zoning or designee, depending on the size, location, and characteristic such recreational or amenity area.
6   Not less than one (1) space per one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area.
   E.   Table 4-20. Industrial Uses.
Industrial Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces
Industrial Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces
Building area size is based upon gross floor area (in square feet) unless specifically expressed otherwise.
Any non-residential use (minimum):
4 or 1 per 200, whichever is greater1
Kitchen, Commercial:
1 per 500
Beverage and/or food manufacturing:
1 per 500 2
Brewery, distillery, winery:
1 per 500 2
Dry cleaning plants:
1 per 500
Publishing and commercial printing:
1 per 500
Packing & shipping, trucking, and moving:
1 per 800
Research & development, scientific/technological:
1 per 300
Warehouse, wholesale, distribution
   Multi-tenant building, multi-use:
1 per 5003
   Single-tenant building, single-use:
1 per 8003
Warehouse, dead-storage
1 per 1,000
Warehouse, internet sales
1 per 7004
Storage, self-service (limited and multi-access):
1 per 75 bays5
Manufacturing and industrial uses not listed elsewhere:
1 per 500
1   Non-residential: For the non-residential components of a mixed use project, parking shall be calculated at a minimum of one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
2   Plus one (1) space per 300 square feet for that portion of an accessory tasting room that exceeds 20% of the gross floor area of the establishment. However, in no case shall the size of a tasting room equal or be greater than 50% of the gross floor area.
3   Space allocated for accessory office use shall require parking at the ratio required for the principal use, provided that the accessory office use does not exceed twenty percent (20%) of a single-tenant building or twenty percent (20%) of each bay within multi-tenant buildings. Additional parking shall be required at a ratio of one (1) space per three hundred (300) square feet for any accessory office floor area that exceeds twenty percent (20%) of the building/bay(s).
4   Plus one (1) space per five hundred (500) square feet of area devoted to showroom/auction room.
5   Plus one (1) space per three hundred (300) square feet of office space plus two (2) security spaces, if applicable.
   F.   Table 4-21. Educational Uses.
Educational Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces
Building area size is based upon gross floor area (in square feet) unless specifically expressed otherwise.
Day care:
1 per 300
School, primary:
1 per 500
School, secondary:
1 per 100
College, university, or seminary:
1 per 150
Educational uses not listed elsewhere:
1 per 200
   G.   Table 4-22. Public and Civic Uses.
Public and Civic Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces
Public and Civic Uses
Standard Number of Required Parking Spaces
Building area size is based upon gross floor area (in square feet) unless specifically expressed otherwise.
Any non-residential use (minimum):
4 or 1 per 200, whichever is greater1
1 per 4 seats2
Organization, civic & fraternal:
1 per 100
Governmental and civic uses:
Wireless communication facility and utility substation:
Establishments not listed elsewhere within this subsection:
1 per 200
1   Non-residential: For the non-residential components of a mixed use project, parking shall be calculated at a minimum of one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
2   Not less than one (1) space per one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area for the auditorium, plus required parking spaces for any other principal uses, including offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, recreation facilities and dwellings.
3   Government owned and operated uses including city hall campuses combining multiple offices and services; libraries; community and recreation centers; park facilities; utility operations; and essential services: the standards herein for like uses shall be used as a guide for designing public facilities, as well as proximity to other adjacent public uses and parking, special geographic needs, employees, and proximity to residents and potential customers. Required parking for park facilities shall be determined by the Director of Recreation and Parks or designee based upon the Recreation and Parks Department Strategic Plan.
4   A minimum parking requirement shall not be applicable to wireless communication facilities or utility substations. Access and parking areas, separate from public or private roadways, must be provided for each project and may utilize parking or circulation areas provided as part of a principal use.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10; Am. Ord. 12-016, passed 10-2-12; Am. Ord. 13-013, passed 6-4-13; Am. Ord. 13-020, passed 7-2-13; Am. Ord. 13-025, § 3, passed 10-1-13; Am. Ord. 13-029, § 2, passed 11- 19-13; Am. Ord. 15-004, passed 3-2-15; Am. Ord. 2017-014, passed 7-18-17; Am. Ord. 17-023, passed 9-19-17; Am. Ord. 19-006, passed 2-5-19; Am. Ord. 22-006, passed 3-1-22; Am. Ord. 23-024, passed 12-19-23)