Sec. 7.   Nonconforming Signs.
   A.   General. A sign, which does not conform to the requirements of this article, shall be deemed nonconforming. A nonconforming sign cannot be modified (excluding re-lettering or change of copy) unless the modification brings the sign into compliance with all sections of this article, or as outlined in Section 7.B. below.
   B.   Nonconforming Freestanding Signs at Shopping Centers. The city's objectives to improve the visual aesthetics, appearance, and economic vitality of multi-tenant properties along city thoroughfares will permit property owners to modify nonconforming freestanding signs at shopping centers beyond the limitations contained within Section 7.A. above, in conformance with the following requirements:
      1.   The shopping center shall have an adopted sign program in place, or adopts a sign program as part of this process.
      2.   A request for an amendment to the existing sign program is approved.
      3.   The amended sign program will allow improvements to the existing sign structure(s) which do not increase the mass of the sign (i.e. height, length, width), including removal, repair and/or replacement of sign cabinets.
      4.   The proposed improvements will bring the sign into further compliance with the sign regulations, and improve the aesthetics of the sign.
      5.   As part of the city's economic development initiatives, additional sign square footage, also known as "copy area," may be added to the sign in instances when aesthetic improvements and required landscape improvements are made to, and immediately surrounding the sign, and in situations where the additional signage does not increase the mass of the sign (i.e. height, length, width).
      6.   The amount of future repairs of the newly renovated sign that the property owner will be allowed to complete will be an amount not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the new value of the sign, as determined by a licensed sign contractor and confirmed by staff.
   The regulations contained in Chapter 4, Article IV, Section 7.B. above are not intended to allow removal and reconstruction of the sign in entirety, as such a situation would require the sign to come into compliance with current sign regulation.
   C.   Repair or Removal. Any nonconforming sign and corresponding support structure that is damaged or otherwise in need of repair, to such an extent that the cost of repairing the sign equals fifty percent (50%) or more of the original cost of the sign, then its classification as a "nonconforming" sign under this section shall be automatically revoked and either repairs be made so that such sign shall meet all the requirements of this article or said sign shall be removed from the property. Furthermore, any nonconforming sign and corresponding support structure shall be removed by the owner, agent, or person having beneficial use of the building, structure, or premises, where such sign may be found if a bona fide establishment, organization, or residential development ceases its operation or occupancy for more than six (6) consecutive months.
   D.   Annexation of Nonconforming Freestanding Signs.
      1.   Billboard. Any property located in unincorporated Palm Beach County, which is considered for annexation into the city, shall have its billboard sign removed prior to annexation, unless otherwise approved by the City Commission. In such instances, the City Commission may grant an extension to the time period allowed for removing the billboard sign.
      2.   Monument Sign, Pylon Sign, and Pole Sign. Any freestanding monument, pylon, pole, or similar type of sign located on a property that is proposed to be annexed into the city shall comply with all provisions of this article within six (6) months following the date of such annexation, unless otherwise approved by the City Commission. Any signs subject to this requirement shall be documented by the city in any applicable ordinance, development order, or annexation agreement.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10; Am. Ord. 15-005, passed 3-2-15; Am. Ord. 21-031, passed 1-4-22)