Sec. 6.   Industrial Districts.
   A.   M-1 Industrial District.
      1.   General. The purpose of the M-1 zoning district is to implement the industrial (I) future land use map (FLUM) classification of the Comprehensive Plan. The intent of this conventional district is to allow industrial uses that provide opportunities for the retention and expansion of economic activities associated with manufacturing, processing, or assembly plants, including their support enterprises for warehouse, storage, distribution, research, and development.
      2.   Use(s) Allowed. See "Use Matrix Table 3-28" in Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.D.
      3.   Building and Site Regulations (Table 3-23).
M-1 District
M-1 District
Minimum lot area:
10,000 s.f.1
Minimum lot frontage:
0 feet
Minimum yard setbacks:
15 feet
20 feet2
      Abutting: Residential district(s)
30 feet
   Interior side:
15 feet3
      Abutting: Residential district(s)
30 feet
   Corner side:
15 feet
Maximum lot coverage:
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Maximum structure height:
45 feet
   1   A property that does not meet this minimum size shall be considered conforming only if it contains a whole platted lot and was not in combination with other lots under the same ownership at the time of the effective date of this ordinance (October 2, 2012), in which the cumulative size would have met the minimum required by code. Any such undersized lots that are further subdivided and reduced in size shall be considered non-conforming pursuant to Chapter 3, Article V, Section 11.
   2   Where rear yard abuts a railroad right-of-way or any paved alley, the rear yard may be reduced to ten (10) feet.
   3   Where rear yard abuts a paved alley or street, then no side setback shall be required.
   4   A floor area ratio (FAR) up to 0.50 may be considered for industrial uses allowed within the M-1 district (see "Use Matrix" – Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.D.), pursuant to the industrial future land use classification of the Comprehensive Plan.
      4.   Review and Approval Process. Non-residential uses shall require site plan approval in accordance with Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2.F. prior to application for building permit.
      5.   Parking. Required off-street parking is regulated in accordance with Chapter 4, Article V, Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements.
      6.   Exterior Storage of Merchandise and Equipment. See Chapter 3, Article V, Section 8 for the regulations pertaining to the permanent exterior storage of merchandise and equipment.
   B.   PID   Planned Industrial Development District.
      1.   General.
         a.   Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PID zoning district is to implement the industrial (I) and development of regional impact (DRI) future land use map (FLUM) classifications of the Comprehensive Plan. The intent of this planned district is to:
            (1)   Provide for current demands for light industrial and other compatible uses in a planned setting. This district is intended for development that reflects changes in technology and is capable of being designed sensitive to the environment;
            (2)   Create a desirable environment for employees, customers and others traversing the PID as well as with respect to adjacent residential development; require economies of scale in providing public services; require placement within close proximity to other employment centers; and provide internal and external connectivity through optimal design and access to available modes of transportation.
         b.   Prerequisite Location Standards. The PID district creates an opportunity to promote sustainability with respect to land use, energy conservation and resource management. Rezoning to the PID district is encouraged for proposed development or redevelopment on lands that are in close proximity to existing infrastructure, public and alternative transportation routes and modes, employment centers, community areas, or have sustained or are complicated by environmental contamination.
   In reaching recommendations and decisions as to zoning land to PID, the advisory board and City Commission shall apply the following location standards, in addition to the standards applicable to the rezoning of land generally:
            (1)   Relation to major transportation facilities. A PID shall be so located with respect to major roadways or other transportation facilities as to provide direct access to it without creating or generating traffic along streets in residential areas or districts outside it.
            (2)   Extensions of city-maintained waterlines, sewer lines, pumping stations, streets and storm sewers, etc., shall be constructed at no expense to the city and all such construction shall be in accordance with city ordinances and specifications.
            (3)   The site shall be suitable for development in the manner proposed without hazards to persons or property, on or off the tract, from probability of flooding, erosion, or other dangers, annoyances, or inconveniences. Condition of the soil, groundwater level, drainage and topography shall all be appropriate to both kind and pattern of use intended.
      2.   Use(s) Allowed and Use Approval. See "Use Matrix Table 3-28" in Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.D.
      3.   Building and Site Regulations (Table 3-24).
PID District
PID District
Minimum project area:
25 acres1
Minimum lot frontage:
Minimum yard setbacks:
30 feet
30 feet
   Interior side:
20 feet
   Corner side:
30 feet
Maximum lot coverage:
Building Separation:
25 feet
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Maximum structure height:
45 feet2
1   Twenty-five (25) contiguous acres.
2    No more than four (4) stories, with the exception of buildings in mixed use pod of the PID pursuant to Section 6.B.8. below.
      4.   Review and Approval Process.
         a.   All development and redevelopment within the PID district shall be governed by a master plan with approval granted by the City Commission in accordance with Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2.D.6.
         b.   Site plan approval shall be required in accordance with Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2.F. prior to application for building permit.
      5.   Parking. Required off-street parking is regulated in accordance with Chapter 4, Article V, Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements.
      6.   Modifications. Any modification proposed within the PID shall be in conformance with Master Plan modifications pursuant to Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2.D.6.
      7.   Miscellaneous.
         a.   Perimeter Landscape (Greenbelt) Buffer. See Chapter 4, Article II, Section 4.C.3.
         b.   Off-street Loading. See Chapter 4, Article VI, Section 3.B.
         c.   Building Permit. No building permits shall be issued unless and until platting procedures and the requirements outlined in Chapter 2, Article III, Section 2 of the Land Development Regulations are completed in every respect.
         d.   Exterior Storage of Merchandise and Equipment. See Chapter 3, Article V, Section 8 for the regulations pertaining to the permanent exterior storage of merchandise and equipment.
      8.   Mixed Use Pods.
         a.   Intent. The purpose of these provisions is to establish small mixed use nodes containing a combination of residential, commercial and office uses in close proximity to employment centers and available modes of transportation, while also meeting the intent of the PID district described above. The mixed use pod is intended for a master planned setting that provides optimal internal and external connectivity for residents, employees, and other visitors, and generally follows the livability and connectivity standards promoted in the smart growth initiative. For the purpose of this subsection, a mixed use pod is defined as a development project located within a previously approved PID. The following criteria shall apply to mixed use pods proposed for development within an approved PID.
         b.   Establishment of a Mixed Use Pod. To ensure attainment of these design objectives, as well as to accommodate adequate buffering to ensure compatibility among varying uses, a PID district eligible for a mixed use pod must contain a minimum of five hundred (500) consolidated acres. The establishment of a mixed use pod shall also conform to the requirements of this section, and be in accordance with the process requirements of Master Site Plan within a mixed use pod (Chapter 2, Article II, Section 3.A.).
         c.   Density. The PID district corresponds with the industrial (I) and development of regional impact (DRI) FLUM classifications; however, residential uses are only allowed within a mixed use pod of a PID that has a DRI FLUM classification. Maximum residential densities shall be in accordance with the thresholds established for the respective DRI.
         d.   Use(s) Allowed. See "Use Matrix Table 3-28" in Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.D.
         e.   Building and Site Regulations.
            (1)   The maximum building height within a mixed use pod shall not be greater than seventy-five (75) feet. Any building exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height shall be processed as a conditional use.
            (2)   Height setback envelope. Minimum building setbacks shall be based on building heights for buildings greater than forty-five (45) feet in height. The height setback envelope is applicable where the mixed use development is adjacent to an existing developed single-family residential zoning district outside the PID. This minimum setback shall be three (3) times the building height for any multi-family or non-residential structure. The setback shall be measured from the common boundary of the PID and the existing single-family residential zoning district of the midpoint of any intervening right-of-way.
         f.   Parking. As required by Chapter 4, Article V.
         g.   Modifications.
            (1)   Any modification proposed to a Master Site Plan for a mixed use pod within a PID shall be in conformance Chapter 2, Article II, Section 3.A.6.
            (2)   Any modification proposed to a technical site plan within a master site plan of a mixed use pod within a PID shall be in conformance with Chapter 2, Article II, Section 4.H.
         h.   Miscellaneous. Any request to waive a standard zoning regulation within the mixed use pod shall be in accordance with Chapter 2, Article II, Section 3.D.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10; Am. Ord. 12-010, passed 6-19-12; Am. Ord. 12-016, passed 10-2-12; Am. Ord. 19-018, passed 7-2-19)