(a) The sewer service charges shall become effective, as to each lot or parcel of land which may be connected with the sewage disposal system by or through any part of the sewer system of the city, upon the placing of the sewage disposal system in operation and the construction of all connections thereto from the sanitary sewer serving such lot or parcel.
(b) In all cases where water is furnished by the water department of the city, the amount of the sewer service charges shall be included in the bills for water rendered by the city. In all cases where water is furnished by any plant or system other than the water department of the city, bills shall be rendered for the amount of such sewer service charges in the same manner as bills are rendered for water.
(c) All bills for sewer service charges shall be either hand delivered to the customer monthly, or by way of the United States Postal Service, and shall be due when rendered. If not paid within thirty (30) days of the original billing date, such sewer service charge shall be added to the next monthly bill and shown thereon as a delinquent item. Should the customer fail to pay said delinquent item immediately, the city may thereafter, and without further notice to the customer, disconnect the service, discontinue furnishing water to such premises, and, if the amount of the total bill exceeds the amount of the customer's water meter deposit, it may also disconnect such meter. Further, the city shall proceed forthwith to recover the amount due on said bill in such lawful manner as it may deem advisable.
(d) If any bill for sewer service charges rendered in connection with any premises not connected with the water system shall not be paid within thirty (30) days from the rendition of such bill, the owner, tenant or occupant of such premises shall cease to dispose of sewage or industrial wastes originating from or on such premises by discharge thereof directly or indirectly into the sewer system of the city until such sewer service charges, with interest, shall be paid, and if such owner, tenant or occupant shall not cease such disposal at the expiration of such thirty (30) day period, the city shall disconnect such premises from the sewer system and the city commission shall proceed forthwith to recover the amount of such sewer service charges in such lawful manner as it may deem advisable.
(Code 1958, § 23A-7; Ord. No. 13-032, § 2, 11-9-13)
Any person who wrongfully, or without authority enters any enclosure or buildings of the sewage disposal system shall be deemed to have entered with the intention of committing a trespass on said land or building, and every person so trespassing shall be guilty of a violation of this Code.
(Code 1958, § 23A-8; Ord. No. 13-032, § 2, 11-9-13)
Secs. 26-63—26-72. Reserved.
*Editor's note-Formerly. Div. 2, §§ 26-73—26-92, pertained to discharges to regional treatment facility. Such provisions, derived from Ord. No. 86-59, § 2, adopted Dec. 16, 1986, and Ord. No. 89-40, §§ 1—5, adopted Nov. 7, 1989, were repealed by Ord. No. 93-8, title, adopted May 18, 1993.
Secs. 26-73—26-99. Reserved.
Secs. 26-100—26-111. Reserved.