To establish levels of compensation for regular, part-time and seasonal employees who are released from work or who are retained or called back to perform city work during the threat or occurrence of a hurricane, severe storm, civil disaster, or other emergency conditions affecting the city.
(Ord. No. 05-036, § 2, 7-19-05)
(a) The provisions of this article for a declaration of a local state of emergency is for administrative purposes only and supplements the other provisions of law, as set forth in City Charter, Code or state law, for the declaration of emergencies. Accordingly, this article shall be construed to supplement the provisions of the Charter, the Code and state law, and in the event of a conflict the provision of Charter, Code or state law shall prevail.
(b) A local emergency shall be deemed to have commenced when the City Manager (or an acting City Manager when the City Manager is not available to act) files with the City Clerk a declaration that the city is in a state of local emergency. The Declaration of Emergency shall reference this article. Immediately following such declaration, the City Manager (or Acting City Manager) will inform each city department and office in as timely a manner as possible by written or electronic communication that a state of civil emergency is in effect. The state of local civil emergency shall continue in effect until rescinded in writing by the City Manager (or Acting City Manager), filed with the City Clerk.
(Ord. No. 05-036, § 2, 7-19-05)
The provisions of this Emergency Pay Policy shall become effective immediately following the declaration of a state of civil emergency by the City Manager and are considered from that point to take precedence over all other Personnel Rules and Regulations, policies, ordinances and collective bargaining agreements of the City of Boynton Beach in the matters of pay, compensation and leave as hereinafter set forth. The provisions of this Emergency Pay Policy shall apply for the entire time period during which the declared state of civil emergency exists, as determined by the City Manager.
(Ord. No. 05-036, § 2, 7-19-05)