As used in this article:
Board attorney means the city attorney or designated board attorney of the city.
Code inspector means those authorized agents or employees of the city whose duty it is to insure code compliance.
Enforcement board means a code compliance board.
Repeat violation means a violation of a provision of a code or ordinance by a person who has previously been found through a code enforcement board or any other quasi-judicial process to have violated or has admitted violating the same provision within five (5) years prior to the violation, notwithstanding the violations occur at different locations.
Special Magistrate shall mean the city’s Special Magistrates appointed by the City Commission to conduct hearings pursuant to Section 2-82 of this article and F.S. Ch. 162. Except for board voting requirements, any reference in the city’s Code to “Code Enforcement Board” shall include Special Magistrate(s).
(Ord. No. 79-28, § 3, 9-18-79; Ord. No. 87-1, § 1, 2-3-87; Ord. No. 90-13, § 4, 6-19-90; Ord. No. 97-51, § 1, 11-18-97; Ord. No. 00-10, § 2, 4-4-00; Ord. No. 13-030, § 2, 11-5-13)