(A)   Upon receipt of approval for plans of required improvements, the developer shall have two choices as to when to file the final plat:
      (1)   After construction and approval of required improvements (must be within one year of construction plan approval); or
      (2)   Any time before completion of required improvements if proper performance bond or guarantee is deposited with City Finance Director to cover the cost of improvements not complete plus contingencies.
   (B)   The drawing size shall be 24 by 36 inches or 20 by 30 inches and drawn at a scale represented by not more than 100 feet to the inch.
   (C)   All plat boundary lines with lengths of courses to be .02 of a foot and bearings to 30 seconds will be shown. These boundaries shall be determined by an accurate survey in the field, which shall be balanced and closed with an error of closure not to exceed one to 10,000.
   (D)   The exact location and the width along the property lines of all existing recorded streets intersecting or paralleling the boundaries of the tract will be shown.
   (E)   Bearings and distances to nearest established street bounds, patent or other established survey lines, or other official monuments, which monuments shall be located or accurately described on the plat. Any patent or other established survey or corporation lines shall be accurately monument-marked and located on the plat, and their names shall be lettered on them.
   (F)   The accurate location and material of all permanent reference monuments will be shown.
   (G)   The exact layout including:
      (1)   Street, place, and alley lines. Their names, bearings, lengths (along center line), angles of intersection, and widths (including widths along the line of any obliquely intersecting street);
      (2)   The lengths of all arcs-radii, points of curvature, and tangent bearings;
      (3)   All easements and rights-of-way, when provided for or owned by public services, with limitation of the easement rights definitely stated on the plat; and
      (4)   All lot lines with dimensions in feet and hundredths, and angles to the street and alley lines. All lot line courses and distances shall have an error of closure of not-to-exceed one to 10,000.
   (H)   Lot numbers. Lot numbers are established by the county recorder’s office.
   (I)   The accurate boundaries will be shown on all property which is offered for dedication for public use, and of all property that may be reserved by covenant in the deed for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision, with the purpose indicated thereon.
   (J)   In case the subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, channel, stream, or creek, the existing or prior location and/or the proposed location of such watercourse, channel, stream, or creek will be shown.
   (K)   Setback building lines as fixed by the zoning code and any other setback lines, or street lines established by public authority, and those stipulated in the deed restrictions, will be shown.
   (L)   Private restriction, if any, will be noted:
      (1)   Boundaries of each type of use restrictions; and
      (2)   Other private restrictions for each definitely restricted section of the subdivision.
      (3)   Restrictions placed on the subdivision for conformity with § 50.02 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Bowling Green, Ohio as approved by the City Engineer.
   (M)   Name of the subdivision and name or number of the largest subdivision or tract of which the tract now subdivided forms a part will be shown.
   (N)   Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions.
   (O)   Names and addresses of the owner or owners of record, the subdivider, and surveyor will be included.
   (P)   North point, graphic scale, and date will be included.
   (Q)   Location of subdivision by township, section, town, and range, and other legal description will be noted.
   (R)   Legal description of the boundaries of the plat will be included.
   (S)   Total acreage; acreage in lots; and the acreage in streets, alleys and other public ways or properties will be computed and included.
   (T)   An accurate drawing and description of all lots and/or tracts of land, from which the proposed subdivision is taken, shall be included on the drawing of the final plat.
   (U)   The following statements will be included and completed as required and applicable:
      (1)   We the undersigned, owners of the above described property, do hereby adopt this subdivision into lots as shown, establish building lines and utilities reservations as shown, and dedicate to public use the streets and ways as shown.
Witness Secretary
   On this          day of          , 20   , before me personally appeared                           by        , its                   , and            its              , who acknowledged that they did sign the foregoing instrument and that the same is the free act and deed of the corporation and the free act and deed of each of them personally and as such officers.
   Witness my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Notary Public in and for WOOD COUNTY, OHIO
My commission expires                        .
   (2)   I HEREBY CERTIFY that during               , 20   , I surveyed the hereinbefore described property subdividing the same into lots numbered                 through                inclusive, and I further certify that all monuments shown thus and iron pipe at all other lot corners shall be set after completion of the improvements.
   (3)   (a)   Engineer’s certificate of improvements and their installations will be included on the final plat as follows:
I hereby certify that pavements, utilities, and other required land improvements for the preliminary drawing of                subdivision as approved by the Planning Commission on             have been designed in accordance with the regulations and standards in effect and that I have inspected the installation of the same and find all improvements have been installed in accordance with the drawing and specifications therefor, and that the utilities and pavements (including sidewalks) are in good repair.
                  , 20                                 
                City Engineer
      (b)   Engineer’s certificate of improvements, acknowledging sufficiency of bond:
I hereby certify that the pavements, utilities and other required improvements for the subdivision herein approved have been designed in accordance with the regulations and standards in effect, that I have estimated the cost of materials and construction and performance guarantees in the amount of $          , and this amount has been posted with the             to assure completion of all improvements in case of default.
   (4)   We hereby approve and accept this plat according to the subdivision rules and regulations for the City of Bowling Green, Ohio this               day of      , 20   .
   Chairman Secretary
   (5)   I, the Bowling Green Municipal Administrator, hereby approve and accept this plat this                  day of              , 20   .
   Bowling Green Municipal Administrator
      (6)   This plat has been submitted to me for the purpose of appraisement this         day of        , 20   .
   Wood County Auditor
   (7)   This plat was received for record this
           day of               , 20    at                
recorded in Volume            , Page               .
   Wood County Recorder
   (8)   Certificate of acceptance of streets by the City of Bowling Green for plats located within the city.
(Streets accepted by Ordinance No.             of the Council of the City of Bowling Green, dated        , 20   .
President of Council
(1980 Code, § 151.27) (Ord. 3704, passed 6-5-1978; Am. Ord. 5485, passed 12-7-1992 ; Am. Ord. 7934, passed 10-19-2009 )