(A)   Where the proposed subdivision involved the creation of more than five lots from the original tract, and/or involves the opening, widening, extension of any street, road, alley, place, or private easement of access, the developer shall be required to submit a plat. Prior to the initial submission the developer may prepare a rough sketch of the proposed development showing roads, lot layout, general dimensions, schemes for utilities, and proposed parkland or open areas. He or she shall review this with the platting commissioner for comments and suggestions and if deemed desirable by the platting commissioner, the sketch will also be reviewed with the Planning Commission for comment and suggestions.
   (B)   After the preapplication review the developer will submit to the platting commissioner three copies of an application, as provided by the platting commissioner, together with 12 blackline drawings or blueprints (15 in the case of a proposed subdivision outside the city limits). This drawing, to be known as the preliminary drawing, will be drawn on one or more sheets, 24 by 36 inches, at a scale represented by not more than 100 feet to each inch, and will conform in every way with the requirements set forth in §§ 151.25 through 151.28. Preliminary drawings must be submitted at least 20 working days before the scheduled Planning Commission meeting at which approval will be sought; preliminary drawings not filed on or before the first day of this 20-day period will not be considered by the Planning Commission at its next scheduled meeting. If the Planning Commission requires corrections to and/or resubmission of the preliminary drawing, such resubmission must be made at least ten working days before the scheduled Planning Commission meeting at which approval will be sought; corrected and/or resubmitted. Preliminary drawings not filed on or before the first day of this ten-day period will not be considered by the Planning Commission at its next scheduled meeting.
   (C)   The preliminary drawing will be checked by the platting commissioner as to its conformity with the zoning regulations, the thoroughfare plan, and other applicable sections of the master plan including the principles, standards, and requirements hereinafter set forth. Copies of the preliminary drawing will be referred by the platting commissioner for recommendations or other action as follows prior to submitting the drawings to the Planning Commission.
   (D)   The platting commissioner shall submit the preliminary drawing to the city engineer, the Utilities Director, the Fire Chief, and to other agencies necessary for review.
   (E)   In the case of a plat of a subdivision located outside the corporate limits of the city but within the territory which lies less than three miles beyond the corporate line, the preliminary drawing will also be submitted to the County Planning Commission for comment. The preliminary drawing will also be submitted to the county engineer, sanitary engineer, and Health Department, where appropriate, for checking of matters within their jurisdiction.
   (F)   If deemed necessary by the platting commissioner, a meeting may be called to be attended by one or more of the above named officials and/or agencies and the developer or his or her representative to consider the recommendations by the officials and/or agencies concerned before presenting the preliminary drawing to the Planning Commission. This procedure shall be followed to facilitate the processing of the preliminary drawing by the Commission.
   (G)   Upon receipt of the recommendations and advice of action concerning matters covered in the preceding divisions, the Planning Commission, at a public meeting, will tentatively approve or disapprove the preliminary drawing or will approve it with modifications, noting thereon any changes that will be required. One copy will be returned to the subdivider with the date of the tentative approval or disapproval endorsed thereon by the chairperson and secretary of the Planning Commission or their authorized representatives. Similar copies also will be transmitted to the platting commissioner.
   (H)   The tentative approval of the preliminary drawing by the Planning Commission is to be considered only as an approval of the layout, with the understanding that the city engineer and other city officials having jurisdiction may modify any engineering or construction detail proposed by the subdivider, whenever required for the protection of the public interest.
(1980 Code, § 151.12) (Ord. 3704, passed 6-5-1978)