A.   Inspection; Practices: Every childcare facility shall be inspected by the Central District Health Department for acceptable public health practices to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. These practices include, but are not limited to:
      1.   Every childcare facility shall be maintained in a sanitary condition;
      2.   Food for use in childcare facilities shall be prepared and served in a sanitary manner with sanitized utensils and on surfaces that have been cleaned, rinsed and sanitized prior to use to prevent contamination;
      3.   All food that is to be served in a childcare facility shall be stored in such a manner that it is protected from potential contamination;
      4.   Any water supply, where the source is other than a public water system, shall be approved by the Central District Health Department prior to its original use and annually thereafter;
      5.   Medicines, cleaning supplies and other hazardous substances shall be stored out of children's reach.
   B.   Sanitary Conditions: Every childcare facility shall conform to appropriate sanitation conditions, including, but not limited to:
      1.   Every child who is ill shall be excluded from the general population;
      2.   Diaper changing shall be conducted in such manner as to prevent spread of communicable diseases;
      3.   Sleeping areas, play areas and fixtures shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition;
      4.   Children and workers shall be provided with individual or disposable towels for hand washing. The hand washing area shall include soap and hot and cold running water. Every childcare worker, juvenile childcare worker, volunteer or other childcare facility employee shall wash their hands after changing a diaper, using the restroom and prior to preparing or serving food or drink at the childcare facility;
      5.   Every restroom in a childcare facility shall be maintained in a sanitary condition;
      6.   Every kitchen in a childcare facility shall be maintained in a sanitary condition;
      7.   Smoking or alcohol consumption is prohibited on the premises of a childcare facility during the childcare facility's hours of operation;
      8.   Health and safety inspectors, including Central District Health or City Clerk inspectors shall not be denied access to a childcare facility during hours of operation for purposes of control of communicable disease or inspection.
   C.   Immunizations: Every childcare facility shall require all children to be age appropriately immunized within fourteen (14) days of initial attendance as provided in subsection 3-6-13A2g of this chapter. (Ord. 36-14, 9-30-2014; amd. 2019 Code)