(a)    accrue a minimum of one hour of for every 30 hours worked within the geographic boundaries of the up to a maximum of 48 hours in a . may not accrue more than 48 hours of accrued in a unless the agrees to a higher amount. shall accrue in hour-unit increments. An may exceed this minimum standard by recording time in fractions of an hour.
   (b)    are deemed to work 40 hours in each work week for purposes of accruing , except that such an whose normal work week is less than 40 hours will accrue based upon the employee's normal work week.
   (c)   Except as provided in clause (1) below, shall permit an to carry over accrued but unused into the following year. The total amount of accrued but unused for an may not exceed 80 hours at any time, unless an agrees to a higher amount.
      (1)   In lieu of permitting the carryover of accrued but unused into the following year as provided under § 23.07 (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i), an may provide an with earned for the year that meets or exceeds the requirements of this section that is available for the employee's immediate use at the beginning of the subsequent year as follows: (i) 48 hours, if an pays an for accrued but unused at the end of a year at the same hourly rate as an earns from employment; or (ii) 80 hours, if an does not pay an for accrued but unused at the end of a year at the same or greater hourly rate as an earns from employment. In no case shall this hourly rate be less than that provided under M.S. § 177.24.
   (d)    under this article begins to accrue at the commencement of employment of the or this article's effective date, whichever is later.
   (e)   An may satisfy this section by providing at least 48 hours of for immediate use by the during the first and providing at least 80 hours of beginning each subsequent .
   (f)   The frequency with which an records accrual may be in a manner consistent with current payroll practices as defined by industry standards or existing policies, provided such practice or policy is no less frequent than a monthly basis.
(Ord. 2022-31, passed 6-6-2022; Ord. 2023-1, passed 1-23-2023; Ord. 2023-24, passed 9-25-2023)