(a)   Applicability.
      (1)    . All city-owned buildings containing a of 75,000 gross square feet or greater must be benchmarked for the previous calendar year.
      (2)    . All buildings with occupancy uses other than containing a of 75,000 gross square feet or greater must be benchmarked for the previous calendar year.
   (b)   Benchmarking information must include:
      (1)   Building address;
      (2)    use intensity (EUI);
      (3)   Annual greenhouse gas emissions; and
      (4)   The that compares the use of the building to that of similar properties, where available.
   (c)   Schedule. must annually and obtain an in accordance with the schedule in the following table. Subsequent benchmarking submissions for each and each are due by June 1 of each year thereafter.
Initial Reporting Date
containing a of 75,000 gross square feet or greater
December 30, 2021
containing a of 100,000 gross square feet or greater
June 1, 2022
containing a of 75,000 gross square feet or greater
June 1, 2023
(Ord. 2021-30, passed 9-13-2021)