(a)   Intent. The Multiple-Family Residential (RM-100) District is intended to:
      (1)   Provide appropriate development standards for multiple-family residential uses with direct access to arterial or collector streets in proximity to areas of employment, supportive commercial and retail services and well served by mass transit and public open space; and
      (2)   Allow the incorporation of certain commercial and personal service activities, which are clearly subordinate to and integrated with the principal residential use.
   (b)   Uses. Uses allowed in the RM-100 District as permitted, accessory, conditional, limited, or interim uses are listed in Table 21.209(c).
   (c)   Standards. Development in the RM-100 District must comply with the standards in § 21.203(b) and the following:
      (1)   Minimum usable open space per dwelling unit: 300 square feet.
         (A)   Rooftop decks of 400 square feet or more in area that are open to all building tenants may count as usable open space up to a maximum of 50% of the usable open space requirement.
         (B)   Balconies and porches directly accessible from individual dwelling units count toward the usable open space requirement. Balconies and porches of at least 50 square feet in area with a minimum width and length of five feet are eligible for a usable open space bonus as described in the following table.
Porch or Balcony Area
Usable Open Space Bonus
First 50 square feet
150 square feet
Each additional one square foot (up to a maximum of 100% of the open space requirement)
2.5 square feet
      (2)   Floor area of nonresidential uses must not exceed 20% of the floor area of residential uses in any development.
      (3)   Multiple-dwelling design and performance standards. See § 21.302.09 for applicable standards.
      (4)   Parking lot (RM-100). Off-street parking for multiple-family developments in the RM-100 zoning district must not be located between a building and a public street unless:
         (A)   Parking is located entirely below grade; or
         (B)   The site received an exemption for sites with multiple street frontages in accordance with § 21.203.09(d)
   (d)   Exemptions for sites with multiple street frontages. While it is the intent of the multiple-family zoning district RM-100 to have buildings close to the street with parking to the side, rear, or entirely below grade, that arrangement may not be possible for each street frontage on sites which front on two or more public streets, or along a transitway. When a site fronts on multiple public streets in a corner or through-lot configuration, the City Council may exempt through the planned development process all but one of the street frontages from complying with the RM-100 building or parking requirements provided the City Council determines that:
      (A)   The site cannot reasonably comply with the zoning district structure and parking placement requirements for all street frontages;
      (B)   The proposed structure and parking configuration will meet the purpose and intent of the zoning district;
      (C)   The proposed structure and parking configuration will complement the character of existing or planned development in area;
      (D)   The proposed structure and parking configuration will facilitate pedestrian and bicycle access;
      (E)   The proposed structure and parking configuration will place vehicle access points in optimal locations; and
      (F)   The proposed structure and parking configuration will be compatible with natural features, surrounding development, redevelopment plans, and traffic volumes.
(Ord. 2015-5, passed 1-26-2015; Ord. 2015-33, passed 11-16-2015; Ord. 2016-6, passed 4-18-2016; Ord. 2019-5, passed 1-7-2019)