All persons, firms or corporations engaging in or conducting any of the businesses or occupations enumerated and set forth in section 4-1-5-1 of this chapter shall make application for and be issued a license, and otherwise be subject to the provisions of this code. Applications for licenses and occupancy permits required by this chapter shall be made in writing to the village clerk on forms to be provided by the village in the absence of provision to the contrary. In addition to the requirement of this chapter, each application shall contain: a) the name of the applicant; b) the permit or license desired; c) the location to be used, if any; d) sales tax number; e) the time period covered; and f) the fee to be paid. Each application shall contain such additional information as may be needed for the proper evaluation of such application by village officials. (Ord. 80-52, 8-11-1980; amd. 2012 Code)