30.01 Election; qualifications; term
30.02 Powers and duties
30.03 Vacancy
City Council
30.15 Election; qualifications; terms
30.16 President; Acting President
30.17 Standing committees
30.18 Vacancy; general provisions
30.19 Vacancy due to unexcused absences
Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions
30.30 Grant of power
30.31 Introduction
30.32 Resolutions and motions
30.33 Ordinances; style, title
30.34 Ordinances, resolutions, orders, bylaws; reading; passage
30.35 Publication or posting
30.36 Certificate of publication or posting
30.37 Effective date; emergency ordinances
30.38 Amendments and revisions
30.50 Definitions
30.51 Open to public; notice; agenda
30.52 Notice to news media
30.53 Council meetings; when; quorum; votes
30.54 Emergency meetings
30.55 Attendance other than in person
30.56 Closed sessions
30.57 Prohibited acts; exempt events
30.58 Public participation
30.59 City Council; order of business
30.60 Votes
30.61 City Council; parliamentary procedure
30.62 Minutes
30.63 Change in office
(A) The Mayor shall be elected as provided in the Election Act. The Mayor shall take office on the date of the first regular meeting of the City Council held in December following the statewide general election. The Mayor shall be a resident and registered voter of the city.
(Neb. RS 17-107)
(B) The Mayor shall serve for a term of four years or until his or her successor is elected and qualified.
(Neb. RS 32-533)
(A) (1) The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the City Council.
(2) The Mayor may vote when his or her vote would provide the additional vote required to attain the number of votes equal to a majority of the number of members elected to the City Council on any pending matter, legislation or transaction, and the Mayor shall, for the purpose of such vote, be deemed to be a member of the Council.
(3) He or she shall have superintendence and control of all the officers and affairs of the city, and shall take care that the ordinances of the city and all laws governing cities of the second class are complied with.
(Neb. RS 17-110)
(B) (1) The Mayor shall have the power to veto or sign any ordinance passed by the City Council and to approve or veto any order, bylaw, resolution, award of or vote to enter into any contract, or the allowance of any claim.
(2) If the Mayor approves the ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, contract or claim, he or she shall sign it and it shall become effective. If the Mayor vetoes the ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, contract or any item or items of appropriations or claims, he or she shall return it to the City Council stating that the measure is vetoed. The Mayor may issue the veto at the meeting at which the measure passed or within seven calendar days after the meeting. If the Mayor issues the veto after the meeting, the Mayor shall notify the City Clerk of the veto in writing. The Clerk shall notify the City Council in writing of the Mayor’s veto. Any order, bylaw, resolution, award of or vote to enter into any contract, or the allowance of any claim vetoed by the Mayor may be passed over his or her veto by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Council. If the Mayor neglects or refuses to sign any ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, award of or vote to enter into any contract, or the allowance of any claim, but fails to veto the measure within the time required by this section, the measure shall become effective without his or her signature.
(3) The Mayor may veto any item or items of any appropriation bill or any claims bill, and approve the remainder thereof, and the item or items vetoed may be passed by the Council over the veto as in other cases.
(Neb. RS 17-111)
(C) The Mayor shall, from time to time, communicate to the City Council such information and recommend such measures as, in his or her opinion, may tend to the improvement of the finances, the police, health, security, ornament, comfort and general prosperity of the city.
(Neb. RS 17-112)
(D) The Mayor shall have the power, when he or she deems it necessary, to require any officer of the city to exhibit his or her accounts or other papers, and to make reports to the Council, in writing, touching any subject or matter pertaining to his or her office.
(Neb. RS 17-113)
(E) The Mayor shall have such jurisdiction as may be vested in him or her by ordinance, over all places within five miles of the corporate limits of the city, for the enforcement of any health or quarantine ordinance and regulation thereof, and shall have jurisdiction in all matters vested in him or her by ordinance, excepting taxation, within the extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction of the city.
(Neb. RS 17-114)
(F) The Mayor shall have the power to remit fines and forfeitures, and to grant reprieves and pardons for all offenses arising under the ordinances of the city.
(Neb. RS 17-117)
(G) The Mayor shall hold no other elective or appointive office or employment with the city.
(H) The Mayor shall sign the City Clerk’s minutes of all meetings of the City Council, and he or she shall sign all resolutions that have been passed and warrants for the payment of money when ordered by the Council.
(I) The Mayor shall have such other duties as are reposed in the Mayor by the laws of the state or as the Council may, by resolution, confer upon the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 1-101)
Statutory reference:
Restrictions on holding other office or employment, see Neb. RS 17-108.02, 32-109, 32-603 and 32-604
(A) The office of Mayor shall be vacant upon the happening of any of the events specified in Neb. RS 32-560, except as provided in Neb. RS 32-561.
(B) (1) In case of any vacancy in the office of Mayor or, in case of his or her disability or absence, the President of the City Council shall exercise the office of Mayor for the unexpired term, until such disability is removed, or in case of temporary absence, until the Mayor returns.
(Neb. RS 32-568)
(2) If the President of the Council assumes the office of Mayor for the unexpired term, there shall be a vacancy on the Council.
(Neb. RS 17-107, 32-568) (Prior Code, § 1-106)
Statutory reference:
Additional and similar provisions, see Neb. RS 32-560 through 32-572
Ineligibility of person subjected to recall, see Neb. RS 32-1308
(A) The City Council shall consist of not less than four, nor more than 12, residents of the city who are registered voters.
(Neb. RS 17-103)
(B) All Council members shall be nominated and elected on a non-partisan ballot unless the city provides for a partisan ballot by ordinance.
(Neb. RS 32-557)
(C) If members of the Council are not elected at large:
(1) Unless the city elects Council members at large as provided in Neb. RS 32-554, the city shall be divided into not less than two, nor more than six wards, as provided by ordinance of the City Council. Each ward shall contain, as nearly as practicable, an equal portion of the population;
(Neb. RS 17-102)
(2) Unless the city elects Council members at large as provided in Neb. RS 32-554, each ward of the city shall have at least two Council members elected in the manner provided in the Election Act. No person shall be eligible to the office of Council member who is not at the time of the election an actual resident of the ward for which he or she is elected and a registered voter; and
(Neb. RS 17-104)
(3) Such wards shall be substantially equal in population as determined by the most recent federal decennial census.
(Neb. RS 32-553)
(D) The term of office shall begin on the first regular meeting of the Council in December following the statewide general election.
(Neb. RS 17-104)
(E) Members of the Council shall serve for terms of four years or until their successors are elected and qualified.
(Neb. RS 32-533)
(F) If the city operates under a city manager plan, members of the City Council shall be residents and registered voters of the city and shall hold no other employment with the city. Any Council member who ceases to possess any of the qualifications required by this section or who has been convicted of a felony or of any public offense involving the violation of the oath of office of such member while in office shall forthwith forfeit such office.
(Neb. RS 19-613) (Prior Code, § 1-103)
Statutory reference:
Ability to elect council members at large or by ward, see Neb. RS 32-554
Election Act, see Neb. RS 32-101
Other requirements for wards, see Neb. RS 32-552 and 32-553
Restrictions on holding other office or employment, see Neb. RS 17-108.02, 32-109, 32-603, 32-604
(A) The City Council shall elect one of its own body who shall be styled the President of the Council and who shall preside at all meetings of the Council in the absence of the Mayor.
(B) In the absence of the President, the Council shall elect one of its own body to occupy his or her place temporarily, who shall be styled Acting President of the Council.
(C) The President, and Acting President, when occupying the place of the Mayor, shall have the same privileges as other members of the Council; and all acts of the President or Acting President, while so acting, shall be as binding upon the Council and upon the city as if done by the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 1-102)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-148