(A)   Videoconferencing, when allowed.
      (1)   A meeting of an organization created under the Interlocal Cooperation Act, being Neb. RS 13-801 through 13-827, the Joint Public Agency Act, being Neb. RS 13-2501 through 13-2550, or the Municipal Cooperative Financing Act, being Neb. RS 18-2401 through 18-2485, or of the governing body of a risk management pool or its advisory committees organized in accordance with the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act, being Neb. RS 44-4301 through 44-4339, may be held by means of videoconferencing if:
         (a)   Reasonable advance publicized notice is given;
         (b)   Reasonable arrangements are made to accommodate the public’s right to attend, hear and speak at the meeting, including seating, recordation by audio or visual recording devices and a reasonable opportunity for input such as public comment or questions to at least the same extent as would be provided if videoconferencing were not used;
         (c)   At least one copy of all documents being considered is available to the public at each site of the videoconference;
         (d)   At least one member of the governing body or advisory committee is present at each site of the videoconference; and
         (e)   No more than one-half of the governing body’s or advisory committee’s meetings in a calendar year are held by videoconference.
      (2)   Videoconferencing shall not be used to circumvent any of the public government purposes established in Neb. RS 84-1408 to 84-1414.
      (3)   For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         VIDEOCONFERENCING. Conducting a meeting involving participants at two or more locations through the use of audio-video equipment which allows participants at each location to hear and see each meeting participant at each other location, including public input. Interaction between meeting participants shall be possible at all meeting locations.
(Prior Code, § 1-514)
   (B)   Telephone conference calls; when allowed.
      (1)   A meeting of the governing body of a joint entity formed under the Interlocal Cooperation Act or of the governing body of a risk management pool or its advisory committees organized in accordance with the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act may be held by telephone conference call if:
         (a)   The territory represented by the member public agencies of the entity or pool covers more than one county;
         (b)   Reasonable advance publicized notice is given which identifies each telephone conference location at which a member of the entity’s or pool’s governing body will be present;
         (c)   All telephone conference meeting sites identified in the notice are located within public buildings used by members of the entity or pool or at a place which will accommodate the anticipated audience;
         (d)   Reasonable arrangements are made to accommodate the public’s right to attend, hear and speak at the meeting, including seating, recordation by audio recording devices and a reasonable opportunity for input such as public comment or questions to at least the same extent as would be provided if a telephone conference call was not used;
         (e)   At least one copy of all documents being considered is available to the public at each site of the telephone conference call;
         (f)   At least one member of the governing body of the entity or pool is present at each site of the telephone conference call identified in the public notice;
         (g)   The telephone conference call lasts no more than one hour; and
         (h)   No more than one-half of the entity’s or pool’s meetings in a calendar year are held by telephone conference call.
      (2)   Nothing in this section shall prevent the participation of consultants, members of the press, and other non-members of the governing body at sites not identified in the public notice. Telephone conference calls shall not be used to circumvent any of the public government purposes established in Neb. RS 84-1408 to 84-1414.
(Prior Code, § 1-515)  (Ord. 97-4, passed 9-8-1997; Ord. 2000-13, passed 5-1-2000; Ord. 2000-14, passed 5-1-2000)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 84-1409, 84-1411, 84-1411(3)