§ 140.01 Purpose.
It is the intent of the city to establish a procedure to provide an informal, cost-effective, and expeditious alternative to traditional criminal citations for City Code violations. The procedures herein established are intended to be voluntary on the part of the offending party. It shall be the discretion of the city to file a criminal citation in the County District Court in lieu of following the administrative procedures established in this section.
(Ord. 2015-08, passed 6-23-2015)
§ 140.02 Definition of Administrative Offense.
For the purpose of this Code, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
Administrative Offense. A violation of or failure to comply with any provision of the City Code or the assistance, authorization, or permission of a violation of any provision of the City Code. Each day a violation exists constitutes a separate and distinct administrative offense.
(Ord. 2015-08, passed 6-23-2015)
§ 140.03 Issuance of an Administrative Citation.
Any sworn member of the Police Department or any other person authorized to enforce provisions of the City Code may issue an administrative citation upon belief that an administrative offense has occurred. The citation must be in writing and must be issued in person or by mail to the person responsible for the violation. If the citation is based on a parking violation and the owner or operator of the offending vehicle is not present, the individual issuing the citation shall affix the written notice of the violation to the windshield wiper or door handle of the vehicle. The citation must state the date, time, and nature of the offense, the name of the issuing officer, the amount of the scheduled fine, the date the fine must be paid, the place where payment must be made, and the manner for withdrawing from the administrative citation process.
(Ord. 2015-08, passed 6-23-2015)
§ 140.04 Payment of Fine.
All persons receiving an administrative citation in accordance with this section shall make payment of the fine set out by ordinance within seven days of the date of issuance of the notice of violation. Payment shall be made by mail or in person to the City Clerk or to the City Police Department.
(Ord. 2015-08, passed 6-23-2015)