Alcoholic Beverages
612.01   Definitions.
612.02   Sales to minors; prohibitions and misrepresentations.
612.03   Sales to intoxicated persons.
612.04   Liquor consumption in motor vehicle.
612.05   Permit required.
612.06   Low-alcohol beverages: sale to and purchase by underage persons prohibited.
612.07   Open container prohibited.
612.08   Hours of sale or consumption.
612.09   Entertainment in bars and taverns.
612.10   Employment of musicians under twenty-one years of age in bars and taverns.
612.11   Disorderly conduct in bars and taverns.
612.12   Stage required in night clubs; mingling with patrons prohibited.
See section histories for similar State law
Liquor Control Law - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 4301
Suspension of beer and liquor sales by Ohio Director of Liquor Control during emergency - see Ohio R.C. 4301.251
Liquor permits - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 4303
Local option - see Ohio R.C. 4303.29
Driving or physical control while intoxicated - see TRAF. 434.01
Definitions generally - see GEN. OFF. 606.01
Disorderly conduct while voluntarily intoxicated - see GEN. OFF. 648.04(b)
Using weapons while intoxicated - see GEN. OFF. 672.03