(A) To facilitate the achievement of the objectives of this chapter, a pre-application conference between the Building Commissioner and owners of property enumerated in § 155.037, who are planning development thereof, shall be required.
(B) Applicants are encouraged to schedule the conferences as early as possible in planning for the development of their property.
(C) The purpose of the conference shall be to familiarize the applicant with the provisions of the Town Zoning Chapter and to discuss siting and the improvement planned for the property.
(Ord. 208, passed 12-19-1983)
(A) No placement of any building or structure nor the modification of any foundation on a site in the cases enumerated in § 155.037 shall be permitted without site approval.
(B) The approval shall be considered a prerequisite to the issuance of a building permit and shall be based upon finding by the Building Site Committee that the proposed site plan meets the requirements of this chapter or upon written order from the Board of Zoning Appeals deciding an appeal, special exception or variance.
(C) The Building Site Committee may waive by a majority vote of the members of the Committee the requirements in § 155.040 for certified topographical drawings when the proposed work does not involve major alteration of the terrain or is of a limited scope.
(D) Applicants who wish to obtain a waiver should apply to the Building Commissioner prior to submitting an application for site plan approval and obtain a waiver in writing.
(Ord. 208, passed 12-19-1983)
(A) The application for site plan approval shall be made upon a form prescribed by the Plan Commission and signed by the owner(s) attesting to the accuracy of all information supplied by the application.
(B) The following information is required:
(1) Name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) of legal owner(s) of the property;
(2) Legal description of the property;
(3) Copy of recorded deed for the property;
(4) Certified plat of survey no more than two years old in triplicate of the property by a registered Indiana land surveyor at a scale not more than one inch equals 20 feet indicating swales, ditches, flow line, top and toe of slopes and high point. Topographical contours shall be shown at two-foot intervals, all steep slopes shall be color coded or highlighted, as well as two established benchmarks at assumed elevation in cases where sea level elevation is not available. The topographical drawing shall also show:
(a) The placement and size of all existing trees more than eight inches in diameter, measured four feet above ground level. The site plan shall also show those trees more than eight inches, or as otherwise provided in § 155.064, in diameter that are proposed to be removed;
(b) Underground utilities on or within ten feet to the property;
(c) Overlay drawing of the topographical drawing showing the exterior dimensions of the foundation of any structure(s) and their placement on the property including setbacks from property lines and other structure(s) and the proposed topography upon completion of the proposed building(s) or structure(s) or additions or alterations thereto, including well (if applicable) and septic system, driveways, retaining walls, revetments and parking facilities;
(d) Upon completion of the project, an as-built topographic survey shall be filed with the Building Commissioner for comparison to the approved plan; and
(e) Indicate location of any active wells within 75 feet of proposed septic field, or provide a letter verifying that none exist.
(5) Three drawings to scale not more than 1 inch equals 20 feet upon which the relationship of the proposed building(s) or structure(s) or alteration or addition thereto to surrounding uses, the location of surrounding streets, walkways, rights-of-way, existing easements of record, parking facilities, access to the site and proposed location of septic systems and wells, if applicable, including wells, yard drains, septic tanks, drainage fields on adjacent properties and locating retaining walls, permanent fences, curbs, all driveways, parking and loading areas on the subject property and within 15 feet of the property line and on adjacent property;
(6) A plan, which contains a method of preventing erosion immediately after excavation of the site, a system for protecting excavated materials from erosion, and a method of restoration of disrupted areas;
(7) Drainage plan and specifications to provide adequate surface runoff in order to prevent increased runoff on surrounding property. These plans and specifications shall be prepared by an architect or engineer licensed in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio or Wisconsin and are required to be certified by an architect or engineer licensed by the State of Indiana and certified by a soil scientist licensed by the State of Indiana;
(8) Receipt from the Michigan City Department of Water Works for the municipal water connection fee, and a receipt from the Town of Beverly Shores for the town tap-in fee (if applicable);
(9) Building heights;
(10) Provide information to demonstrate compliance with the steep slope provisions contained in this chapter or provide a variance signed by the B.Z.A.;
(11) The proposed site of the structure must be staked consistent with site plan;
(12) All areas affected by construction or excavating activities must be staked with a different color stake from the structure stakes at the site;
(13) All retaining walls which will be used during construction or intended for permanent, protection of the dune must be designated on the site plan as well as the method which will be utilized to install such walls and, in the case of temporary walls, remove the walls after construction;
(14) Construction techniques utilizing a pile driver or other vibration techniques are prohibited; and
(15) Any other matters which may be necessary to determine conformance with and provide for the enforcement of this chapter.
(Ord. 208, passed 12-19-1983; Am. Ord. 09-12, passed 11-16-2009; Am. Ord. 11-11, passed 9-19-2011; Am. Ord. 2016-11, passed 12-19-2016) Penalty, see § 155.999
(A) Upon receipt of an application for a building site approval which satisfies the requirements set forth in § 155.040, the Building Commissioner shall, within 5 days, establish a date for a Building Site Committee inspection of the site.
(B) The Building Commissioner shall notify the applicant of the meeting date no later than 25 days thereafter.
(C) The applicant and his or her architect/engineer shall meet with the Building Site Committee at the property for the purpose of review, familiarization and comment regarding the proposed construction work.
(D) In no event shall the Building Site Committee be required to render professional architectural or engineering services.
(Ord. 208, passed 12-19-1983)
(A) The Building Site Committee shall approve, request further information or disapprove a building site plan within 15 days following the site review required in § 155.041 by a majority vote of the members of the committee.
(B) The approval or disapproval shall be based on the following standards:
(1) Whether there is an alternative building site on the property which would adapt to the requirements of this chapter, both during construction and after construction, so long as a compliant structure can be constructed;
(2) If there is a steep slope on any set back, required under this chapter, no construction activities, including the removal of trees or vegetation, shall occur within the side or rear yard setbacks;
(3) The applicant’s plans adapt to, and minimize disturbance of, the natural terrain, trees and other vegetation;
(4) The applicant’s plans adapt to the topography of the property with minimum alterations of the building site; and
(5) The applicant’s plans avoid excessive similarity, dissimilarity or inappropriate in exterior design in appearance of buildings, awnings, signs, fences and other structures. The determinations shall be made with respect of 1 or more of the following features:
(a) Apparently identical facade in relation to any other structure existing or for which a permit has been issued within a distance of 1,000 feet of the proposed site including substantially identical size and arrangement of either doors, windows, porticos or other openings or breaks in the facade facing the street including a reverse arrangement thereof;
(b) Other significant design features such as but not limited to roof line, height of building, construction, material or quality of architectural design;
(c) Location and elevation of building upon the site in relation to topography of the site; and/or
(d) Inappropriateness in relation to any other property of the same or adjoining district of design, landscaping, building materials in use thereof, orientation to site or placement of parking, storage or refuse areas.
(C) If the application is disapproved, the Building Commissioner shall indicate the reasons by certified letter to the applicant. In any case where disapproval is based on considerations of a steep slope the Building Commissioner shall prepare a report summarizing the concerns and issues resulting from the applicant’s plans as related to the steep slope and shall include the report with the records for the site plan application. The Building Commissioner shall maintain records of all actions on site plan applications.
(D) If the application is approved, the applicant shall be bound to the site plan in all details and respects as set out in the site plan application, including any revisions or amendments thereto approved by the Building Site Committee in writing, and if required by the Building Site Committee because of exceptional circumstances, shall post a $10,000 cash or performance bond guaranteeing compliance with the site plan application and guaranteeing restoration of town streets to the condition detailed in the street inventory described in § 155.056(B)(8).
(E) If the application is approved, all contractors who will perform any activity related to the application shall comply with § 155.067.
(F) At time as all required excavations on the property have been completed and all final grades established, and the applicant has presented the Building Commissioner with a final street inventory release form prepared by a representative of the Street Department confirming that the requirements of this chapter have been fully complied with and all necessary repairs have been completed, the Building Commissioner shall release the bond and return any cash bond to the applicant.
(G) In no event shall any building permit for improvements requiring site plan approval be granted until site plan approval has been granted; nor shall the Board of Zoning Appeals grant any variance, special exception or special use with respect to the affected property until that Board has first received the report of the Building Site Committee.
(Ord. 208, passed 12-19-1983; Am. Ord. 09-12, passed 11-16-2009; Am. Ord. 11-11, passed 9-19-2011; Am. Ord. 2021-09, passed 7-20-2021)
(A) No person, persons, firm or corporation or similar entity shall begin any improvement, construction, reconstruction, or repair of any existing or new building or structure or cause the same to be done without a separate building permit for each building or structure issued by the Building Commissioner, except in the case of a residential unit accompanied by an unattached garage only 1 permit shall be required.
(B) No land shall be excavated or changed in use without a building permit issued by the Building Commissioner.
(C) Activities requiring a building permit, include but are not limited to:
(1) Installation or construction of retaining walls, fences or swimming pools (above and in-ground);
(2) Installation or construction of a shed, gazebo or shelter regardless of whether or not it is permanently affixed to the ground;
(3) Installation or construction of a driveway, deck, porch, carport, garage or room addition;
(4) Construction, reconstruction, repair, moving or demolition of a building or structure; and
(5) Alteration or remodeling of an existing building or structure that includes any changes in structural members, stairways, load bearing components, electric service, plumbing, means of ingress and/or egress, or any other change(s) affecting or regulated by the Building Code or Sanitary Code, except for minor repairs or changes not involving any of the aforesaid provisions.
(D) No building permit shall be required to repair roofing, gutters, siding or windows, providing no change is contemplated to the load bearing components or the facade of the structure being repaired or modified. All installations, repairs and modifications must be in conformance with all provisions of this chapter regardless of whether a building permit is required.
(E) A permit shall be issued by the Building Commissioner upon finding that the proposed work complies with the requirements of this chapter or upon written order from the Board of Zoning Appeals deciding an appeal, special exception, or variance.
(F) No permit shall be issued prior to the payment of the required fee to the Clerk-Treasurer of Beverly Shores as specified in § 155.065.
(G) As specified in § 155.064(E)(3), no building permit shall be issued for a property upon which a tree removal violation has occurred for a period of 1 year from the year of the last violation. Furthermore, no building permit shall be issued for a property upon which a tree removal violation has occurred until all unpaid tree removal fines have been paid.
(H) After the issuance of any building permit the Building Commissioner shall make, or shall cause to be made, inspections of the work being done as are necessary to ensure full compliance with the provisions of this code and the terms and conditions of the building permit, including, without limitation, prior to the footers and prior to foundation walls being poured, before drywall is installed and prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(Ord. 11-21, passed 11-21-2011; Am. Ord. 2014-04, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2016-11, passed 12-19-2016; Am. Ord. 2021-09, passed 7-20-2021) Penalty, see § 155.999
(A) The application for building permit shall be made on a form prescribed by the Plan Commission and signed by the owner(s) attesting to the accuracy of the information supplied by the application.
(B) The following information is required:
(1) Name(s), address(s) and phone number(s) of legal owner(s) of property;
(2) Legal description of property;
(3) Copy of recorded deed for property;
(4) Zoning district and description of existing and/or proposed use;
(5) Approved well and septic permits from the Porter County and State Board of Health, if applicable, for the property showing exact location of the proposed facilities;
(6) Three sets of plans of all floors, foundation sections and elevations and detailed construction specifications describing the kind, size, quality and grade of materials and service equipment and clearly indicating the height of the proposed improvements. These plans and specifications shall be prepared under the supervision and direction of an architect or an engineer registered in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio or Wisconsin and shall be certified for the specific building site;
(7) Approval in writing for the proposed construction work from:
(a) The Building Site Committee where applicable;
(b) The Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission, in all cases of commercial and/or public buildings and additions and alterations thereto;
(c) The National Park Service in all cases where the property is located within the boundaries of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, and has been acquired by the Department of the Interior; and/or
(d) The Indiana State Highway Department or any other governmental jurisdiction, if applicable.
(8) All applicants for building permits shall be required to have a street inventory completed and signed by a representative of the Street Department. The inventory shall record the condition of any streets abutting the property where the improvements are being made, as well as the condition of the streets that the applicant has designated for use by his or her contractors and material suppliers as hereinafter provided which inventory may be supplemented by appropriate photographs if deemed necessary by the Street Department representative.
(C) (1) Prior to securing the street inventory from a representative of the Street Department, the applicant shall complete that part of the street inventory form designating a route for material suppliers and contractors from the town limits to the job site.
(2) All contractors and material suppliers shall thereafter use the designated route and if a contractor or material supplier operating a vehicle larger than a pickup truck or van is found to be deviating from the designated route both the contractor or material supplier and the applicant shall be jointly and severally liable for any damage done to town streets and may be fined for a violation of this chapter as hereinafter provided.
(Ord. 208, passed 12-19-1983) Penalty, see § 155.999