No vehicle shall be stopped or parked in violation of designated curb markings which shall have the following restrictions and prohibitions:
   A.   Red shall prohibit stopping at all times, except a bus may stop in a red zone which is designated as a bus stop.
   B.   Yellow shall prohibit parking on each day Monday through Saturday from seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to six o'clock (6:00) P.M. of each day. During such time, stopping shall be permitted as follows:
      1.   For a period not to exceed three (3) minutes for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers or baggage or for the purpose of commercial pick up or delivery.
      2.   For a period not to exceed twenty (20) minutes for commercial vehicles while loading or unloading materials for commercial purposes.
   C.   Yellow with distinguishing signage shall prohibit parking each day during the hours as posted. During such time, stopping shall be permitted, for a period not to exceed the time limit as posted, for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers and baggage or customer loading and unloading of goods, including pick up and delivery and other customer needs. These zones shall be identified by signage indicating that customer loading is permitted for the prescribed time period.
   D.   White shall prohibit stopping at all times except for a period not to exceed three (3) minutes for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers, or for the purpose of depositing mail in an adjacent mailbox.
   E.   Green shall prohibit parking in excess of twenty (20) minutes each day Monday through Saturday from seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to six o'clock (6:00) P.M.
   F.   Blue shall prohibit parking except for vehicles of physically handicapped persons as defined in sections 22511.5 and 22511.9 of the Vehicle Code and which have prominently displayed while parked a handicapped license plate or placard issued by the state.
   G.   White with distinguishing signage shall prohibit parking each day during the days and hours as posted. During such time, stopping shall be permitted for a prescribed time period, not to exceed twenty (20) minutes, for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers or for the purpose of depositing mail in an adjacent mailbox. (1962 Code §§ 3-6.1202, 3-6.1203, 3-6.1204, 3-6.1205; amd. Ord. 97-O-2284, eff. 11-17-1997; Ord. 03-O-2435, eff. 1-2-2004)