B. A mixed use development shall provide parking for the commercial and residential components that can be physically separated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the planning commission may permit, as part of a development plan review permit, access between parking facilities for the commercial and residential components, such as instances in which the site is physically constrained so that separate facilities are not practical nor feasible.
C. Parking for the residential portion of the building shall be provided per the requirements of section 10-3-2816.
D. Guest parking for residential units in the MU Overlay Zone shall be provided per the requirements of section 10-3-2817.
E. If parking is provided above ground, all parking, except for driveways and access to loading areas, shall be located behind building space that is dedicated to a permitted use other than parking, and that building space shall be a minimum of forty feet (40') deep as measured from the building facades facing public streets, to prevent direct visibility from adjacent streets unless otherwise approved by the planning commission through a development plan review permit, such as instances in which the site is physically constrained by the depth requirements and unable to provide sufficient parking areas.
F. The parking component of a mixed use development in the MU Overlay Zone shall be as approved as part of a development plan review.
G. Parking spaces for the residential component of the building shall be assigned to specific residential units, and shall not be used by patrons of the commercial uses in the building. (Ord. 20-O-2825, eff. 12-18-2020)